101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

older guys with dreadlocks leaned against the walls looking skepti-
cal and laughing at the “clown teens” who had come to talk about
Curt saw three girls, about twelve years old, sitting together. After
the production he went over and introduced himself. He could tell
that one of the girls, Chanelle, was very interested in Christ, so he
and his friend, Craig, stayed quite a while to answer her questions.
Chanelle said she wanted to go to church, but her grandmother
wouldn’t allow it. “That’s okay,” Curt explained. “Jesus can live in
your heart. And when he does, he can change things.” Before getting
back on the bus, Curt led Chanelle to the Lord.
Leaving the projects that day he was happy about Chanelle’s con-
version but worried that she would have no friend in the faith.
Nearly three weeks later, just before their scheduled departure
from St. Croix, the team returned to Chanelle’s project. Curt prayed
he would see her, and sure enough, he did. He asked how she was
Her smile was enormous. “God is very good, Curt,” she said. “My
grandmother lets me go to church now and she doesn’t cuss any-
more at all. I am studying the Bible with a small group. My life is so
much better.”
As Curt was riding away on the bus that day, he remembered how
worried he had been about Chanelle. “Lord, you were trying to tell
me, ‘I’ll take care of it, son. You may leave, but I will still be here.’ ”

Lord God, thank you that we cannot separate ourselves from you.
You will always be near us and near our loved ones, caring for us
and keeping us no matter what may come. Amen.


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