Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

day, after a closer look, her toes are too big. Once he gets to
know her, his passion dissipates, he finds something wrong
with her or realizes that she is not the one for him, and he
moves on. He has no idea that she thinks they are about to get
married. Anyone on his planet would know that he was just
physically attracted, but someone from Venus could easily
misunderstand his intentions and think he was promising
much more.


A man’s strong physical passion, interest, and attention are
easily misunderstood because women come to relationships
the other way around. Women are first attracted to some aspect
of who a man is and not just his body. A woman first feels in-
terested in getting to know a man, then she feels affection, and
then she feels strong physical attraction and desire. The more
a woman feels mentally and emotionally attracted to a man,
the more physical chemistry she will begin to feel. Since this
is her experience, she mistakenly assumes that when a man is
physically attracted to her, he must be mentally and emotion-
ally attracted as well.
It is hard for a woman to understand how men could be so
different, but they are. On Mars, they are first attracted by the
physical. The more physically attractive a woman is to a man,
the less he needs to think or discern. He automatically behaves
as if she is the most special woman in the world, and she be-
lieves it. He is just being in the moment and feeling his attrac-
tion. What she doesn’t know is that the next day he could be
with someone who turns him on and feel the exact same feel-
ings of attraction. Without this understanding of our differ-
ences, women assume that men are either deceptive or just

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