Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

because it is that body type that gets a man’s attention, which
they mistakenly assume is his affection.
As a man matures and moves through the first three stages
of dating, he automatically becomes more discerning and dis-
covers that he is also attracted to women who don’t look like
the seductive women on TV and in the movies and magazines.
When a man finds his soul mate, she is rarely the type he was
most attracted to at the more undiscerning level.
While physical attraction is the foundation for a man’s dis-
cernment to build on, it is still mindless. A woman needs to
remember that even if he does not know anything about her
except how she looks, he will suddenly start to feel physically
attracted. His attraction has nothing to do with who this wo-
men is, nor does it reflect a willingness or desire to know her
or have a relationship with her. He only wants to see more,
touch more, and feel more.


After some dating experiences with some of these women the
man is attracted to, he starts to find that he likes some better
than others. This is an important step. Just as he is able to feel
a physical attraction, now he will begin to feel an emotional
attraction as well. When he experiences a woman, he will not
just feel physical attraction but will also sense how much he
likes her.
At level one, physical attraction, he may think he likes her
because he likes how she makes him feel, but at level two,
emotional attraction, he can know if he really likes her and not
just how she makes him feel. When a man feels emotional
chemistry, he feels friendly and affectionate toward a woman
not just because he feels physically attracted; he wants to be
close because he likes her as well.

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