Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1
Flirting is very exciting to men because it compliments
their ability to make a woman happy.

Although almost anything a woman does with a receptive
attitude is flirting, these are twelve examples of definite flirting
signals that will enable a man to recognize that a woman is
receptive to his approach and pursuit.


  1. She may just smile and make eye contact for about three
    to five seconds in a way that says, “I might be interested,”
    and then look away.

  2. She might bat her eyelids in a way that says, “Well, I am
    waiting for someone like you.”

  3. She may tilt her head, as if to say, “I wonder if you are the
    right kind of guy for me.”

  4. She may get up and walk by the man, as if to say, “If you
    haven’t noticed me, now you have a chance. Make your

  5. She may look at him, catch his look, and then after three
    to five seconds look away to invite him to look her over.
    Then, after about ten seconds, she may look back with a
    smile that says, “If you are interested, introduce yourself.
    I don’t bite.”

  6. She may brush up against him and then respond with a
    little sound like “Oh” that says, “Oh, I didn’t mean to
    touch you...but I liked it.”

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