Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

All of these little expressions create the opportunity for him
to feel her receptiveness to him. This is what draws a man in.
He needs clear signs that if he pursues he will make progress.
If a man does not get clear signals, the attraction may lessen
because he doesn’t anticipate being successful.


When a man pursues a woman, he is interacting in a manner
that says he is interested in finding out if he is the one for her.
His eyes, his voice, his attention, his interest, and his touch all
say confidently, “I am interested in you and I bet I could be
the one to make you happy, I could be that great guy you have
been waiting for, I could fulfill your needs, I could do things
to make you really happy, or I can be really interesting and
fun.” This kind of flirting is very exciting for women because
women are looking for the occasional opportunity to relax and
have someone care enough to take responsibility for their
happiness and lead them where they would like to go.

Women enjoy it most when a man takes
the risk to impress her rather than waiting for
her to do something to impress him.

In first getting to know a woman, you must be careful to
connect for a while before you go for the number. You should
first display your interest nonverbally, and get a clear response
from her long before approaching her. If you can’t get her at-
tention, then you should have the waiter bring her a gift or
hand her a little note. Let her read it away from you. If gradu-
ally she begins to flirt with an inviting smile, you should pro-

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