Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

Another approach is to meet one of her friends and to ask
questions about her. It is much easier to introduce yourself to
a friend. Then her friend will talk to her about you. If she looks
your way, then her flirting has begun. You can then approach
and simply introduce yourself.


Many men panic when it comes to figuring out an opening
line. The best line is the easiest. Just introduce yourself; say
“Hi, my name is John. What’s your name?” After she answers,
then you should be prepared to ask a few questions or make
a few comments about what is going on around you or the
weather. What is important is that you took the step, not what
you say. Even if you are not coherent, she will be impressed
because you took the risk to pursue her.
To get a Venusian to talk, the best question is, “Where are
you from?” while the best question to get a Martian to talk is,
“What do you do?” Men like to talk about what they do or
have done, while women particularly like to talk about settings,
relationships, and situations.
When you don’t feel good at small talk or chitchat, you can
still be very successful by continuing to be present, looking in
her direction, and asking questions. You need to remember
that if you are not good at chitchat, then the women you are
attracted to will generally love picking up the slack and talking


It is perfectly normal for a man to become tongue-tied when
he first meets a woman. This is another example of the way
men and women are different. Men tend to use one part of

200 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.

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