Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

13 Acknowledge Men and Adore Women

Compliments are the best way to communicate our at-
traction and allow it to grow. If a man is attracted to a woman,
he can let her know by giving compliments. Sometimes a man
makes the mistake of complimenting a woman the way he
would want to be complimented instead of the way they do it
on Venus. Likewise, many women don’t realize how to com-
pliment a man successfully. The bottom line is that men want
to be acknowledged, while women want to be adored.
On Mars they feel most complimented when the results of
their decisions and actions are acknowledged and appreciated.
A man on a date really likes it when a woman talks about what
a good time she is having or how delicious the dinner was or
what a great movie they saw. His reaction is then to feel very
successful for having provided all that.

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