Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1
On Mars they feel most liked and complimented
when the results of their decisions and actions
are acknowledged and appreciated.

When a woman says, “That was such a great movie,” his
response is the same as if he had written the movie. Since he
provided the movie that pleased her, he feels she is pleased
with him. In fact, he feels as if he directed it, wrote it, produced
it, and even starred in it.
When a woman comments with enthusiasm about the food
in a restaurant he has chosen, he feels thrilled. It is as if he had
spent all day preparing that meal and she appreciated it. When
she responds in a positive manner to the things he provides,
and overlooks what isn’t as wonderful, a man feels most
complimented and appreciated.
When a woman says, “I am having such a great time tonight.
I feel so good. The air is so clean and clear. The stars are so
beautiful. The moon rising over the river is so romantic,” a
man is teleported into heaven. The more she appreciates the
evening, the more successful he feels for having provided it.
It is as though he has made the moon rise; he is so romantic;
he has made the air fresh and clear. His affection for her in-
creases because he feels so proud.


On Venus they are most touched when a compliment is per-
sonally directed. Certainly any compliment is fine, but the best
compliments for women are more personal and direct. Men
do not instinctively know this and miss the opportunity to
connect with a woman by complimenting her in a more

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