Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

After making some comment to acknowledge him, just change
the subject.

  1. Don’t Say, “Well, I Disagree. I Think...”

Sometimes women feel the only way to be heard is to bluntly
disagree. Sure, it is okay to disagree, but don’t express your
disagreement as a way to interrupt. Instead, say something
like “I have another take on this...” or “I have another way of
looking at that...”
These statements are gracious, and they make a man not
only open to what a woman has to say but intrigued. It is as if
she is saying, “I think what you are saying has merit and I have
something different to say about it.” Rather than getting de-
fensive about his point of view, he is intrigued to hear what
else can be said.
A man is turned on by a woman who is able to express her
point of view graciously. A woman should not receptively
agree with a man just to appear nice and sweet. That is a
surefire way to kill attraction.

  1. Don’t Say, “Would You Like to Hear What I Think?” or
    “Would You Like to Know How I Feel?”

All of these kinds of statements make a woman appear to
have low self-esteem. Although on Venus these may be consid-
erate ways to interrupt, on Mars they make you appear insecure
and insignificant. It is hard for a man to respect a woman if
she cannot respect herself.
Instead, she could simply say, “I think...” or “I feel...” The
best technique for interrupting is always to just step right into
a conversation as if it is your turn and you have not been

230 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.

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