Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

When a woman comes from her Martian side, she can cer-
tainly make a man feel good, but she can never really bring
out the best in him. It is only when she takes the time and has
the awareness to develop and express her attributes from
Venus that she can bring out the Martian in him. This is not
automatic, because women today are pressured to be like men
during the day at work. Depending on how stressful their job
is, it can be very difficult to shift back to having feminine feel-
ings and characteristics.
Even when women think they are from Mars, they are still
from Venus. They still have all the feminine characteristics
within them. With a little attention to what those attributes
are, they can and will come to life. Through getting in touch
with her feminine feelings and characteristics and with some
practice using Venusian approaches to dating, a woman will
automatically become more attractive to the right men for her.


Strong, independent, assertive, and successful women often
have difficulty finding the right man and then sustaining a
relationship, primarily because the very characteristics that
make them successful at work can make them unsuccessful in
relationships. When a woman can actively pursue a goal in
the workplace she will succeed, but when she actively pursues
a man (and she may date many men), something will always
be missing. And what is missing is what can emerge only when
a man feels he is doing the pursuing.
Although there is nothing intrinsically wrong with a woman
expressing her Martian attributes, it will backfire if she doesn’t
also get a chance to sometimes be feminine. Finding a balance
of Martian and Venusian in her life is essential. Particularly
when a woman has to be Martian at

272 / JOHN GRAY, PH.D.

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