Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

work, it is even more important than ever to come home to a
relationship that makes her feel more feminine.
While dating and finding a fulfilling relationship can be
more difficult for these women, all successful women have an
incredible ability for self-correction. All a woman needs is the
complete awareness and understanding of the problem, and
then she immediately sets out to fix it. In this case nothing in
her is really broken, but something is being neglected. By
clearly identifying the three Venusian attributes and nurturing
their development through dating, she can change the tide and
begin enjoying success in both areas of her life, work and rela-
tionships. A strong and assertive woman can be very attractive,
but she must learn to express her power in a feminine way.
Whether a woman is more Martian or Venusian, by becom-
ing aware of the three Venusian attributes and applying the
dating strategies for each, she will achieve the same result. Not
only will she begin to bring out the best in men, but she will
like herself more and have a better time.
Sometimes when women hear these new approaches to
dating, they feel they have done everything wrong. Instead of
focusing on the failures, remember that now you have the op-
portunity to change the patterns of dating that you may be
repeating over and over. Unless you identify what didn’t work
and what you can do about it, the chance of change is nil. Even
if some of these ideas are challenging to the foundation of how
you have always related to men, give them a chance and exper-
ience that they work.


The first attribute that makes a woman most attractive is self-
assurance. Most women have noticed some special

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