Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

she can begin to open up to others for their support and not
isolate herself.

Self-assurance assumes you will always
get what you need and you are now
in the process of getting it.

When women see another woman with a lot of self-assur-
ance, they just assume that she feels this way because she is
able to get the support of a man. While there is some truth to
this, it is really the other way around. When a woman is self-
assured, then the support comes her way. When a woman be-
haves and interacts with a man assuming that she will get the
respect she deserves, that she can get the support she needs,
and that she is already worthy of that support, then automat-
ically she brings out the best in him.

When a woman is self-assured,
then the support comes her way.

As a woman grows in self-assurance, she will not be attracted
to men who cannot respond to her in the ways she deserves.
It is not that men suddenly become perfect for her, or that she
finds a perfect man; it is more that she is able to bring out the
best in a man.

Why Men Stay Interested

When a man is actively interested it is because he is in the
process of getting what he wants. He is in the successful pursuit
of making a woman happy, and this also makes him happy.
As he succeeds, he anticipates getting more in return, and this
makes her even more interesting. What turns a man

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