Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1
Why Men Become So Charming

This helps explain what makes a man on a date most
charming and interested in a woman. When a woman is attrac-
ted to a man, he gets the message that he could be the one to
make her happy. He seems to be making her very happy, and
this brings out the best in him. If, however, she begins to feel
obligated to return the favor and focuses on making him happy,
much of the charm disappears.
Often women complain that they go out with a man and
have a great time and then the next day he becomes a complete
jerk. One day he is interested and the next he is distant and
uninterested in them. They complain, “He got what he wanted
and was out of here.” It is no wonder that women mistrust
men and feel used. These women do not understand their part
of the problem. When a woman gives more than she is getting,
or gives all of herself before she receives all that she wants, she
is setting herself up to be disappointed. When a woman shifts
from feeling self-assured to trying to satisfy a man’s wants, he
may continue to see her but it is never the same. He becomes
less and less interested in her.

When a woman shifts from feeling
self-assured to earning a man’s affection,
she becomes less attractive.

This does not mean a woman should not give of herself or
seek to satisfy a man’s needs and wishes as well. As long as
she is centered, secure in the feeling that she is getting what
she wants, then it is fine for her to give what feels right to her.
If he wants more and she wants to wait, only if she respects
her own needs first can he begin to respect them. She will make
it easier for herself and for him when she is

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