Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1
A man will most respect and want to hear
what a woman has to say when she speaks
in a manner that assumes he wants to hear
what she has to say.

If her attitude says she feels assured that he will be inter-
ested, then he will want to hear her and know her. It is this
attitude of being self-assured that draws a man’s interest. A
woman needs to remember that she is the jewel and he is
providing the setting for her to shine. As long as he gets credit
for making her shine, he is happy to be the provider of support
in the relationship. This attitude that she is already worthy of
attention makes her more desirable and intriguing to him.
Men are interested in being successful. The opportunity to
provide fulfillment to a woman is very interesting to any man.
Certainly a man is interested in being fulfilled as well, but it
is being successful in fulfilling a woman that makes him feel
most fulfilled in a relationship. A man is always interested in
what will make him successful.

When a Man Is the Jewel

A woman’s position is compromised when she behaves as
if the man is the jewel and she would like the position of
providing the setting. Automatically the romance and attraction
will lessen. Certainly, a man likes feeling he is the jewel when
a woman seeks to please him, but ultimately he likes much
more the experience of winning her over. When a woman
shares herself with self-assurance that she is the jewel, a man
responds by wanting to win her over.
A woman’s desire to please a man is clearly a demonstra-

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