The detail building wise data is as under: -
A. CU 1: 1800 TPD, Clinkerisation Unit at Nepal
S. N. Buildings (M3)RCC R/f Steel(MT) R/f Factor(Kg/m3)
Clinkerisation Section
1 Lime Stone Stock pile 900 - -
2 Coal Stockpile - -
3 Corrective/Additive stockpile - -
4 Blending Silo 1,070 - -
5 Clinker Silo 3,900 - -
6 Preheater Tower + compressor 2,700 - -
7 Kiln Piers & TA Duct 990 - -
8 Cooler + Cooler ESP + DPC 1,430 - -
9 Raw Material Hopper
10 Raw Mill Building - -
11 Coal Mill + Coal Mill Hopper 835 - -
12 Belt Conveyors + Transfer Towers 341 - -
13 Switch yard and load centres 965 - -
Total - Clinkerisation 14,731 - -
1 Clinkerisation Section 14,731 - -
2 Grinding Section - - -
3 Common Facilities - - -
4 Infrastructure - - -
Grand Total 14,731 - -