
(Barry) #1

306 Index

persona.See legal persona
Philips, Susan, 24, 29, 95–96, 134–136,
176, 214, 216, 233n.43, 233n.51,
234n.59, 235n.81, 238nn.114–115,
238n.118, 239n.123, 252n.35,
253n.48, 270n.24, 272n.43
poetic structure, 148–149, 233n.51
political oratory, 19, 231n.29, 245n.38
politics, 5, 29, 47–48, 95, 134, 245n.38
polylogue (polyphony), 158, 159, 163,
polysemy, 96
Postone, Moishe, 133, 212, 226n.5,
229n.15, 253n.41, 269n.14
power, 6, 16, 30, 177, 220–223
and language, 6, 29, 171–173, 231n.27,
238n.116, 271n.37, 272n.43
and law, 106
resistance to, 25, 124–125, 234n.68
social, 24–25, 49–50, 60, 62, 101, 207–
208, 213, 217–218, 271n.37
pragmatics, 48, 219, 231n.24, 232n.34,
243n.14.See also metalanguage;
metapragmatic language
pragmatic structure, 218, 232n.34
pragmatic warrants, 58–59, 67, 77, 82, 89,
Prague School, 18, 230n.23, 231n.26
precedent, 46, 60–62, 242nn.9–10
presupposition, 20–21, 232n.34, 232n.36
indexicality and, 20, 215
principal (footing), 104, 107, 112
procedural history, 57, 59, 60, 62, 69–70,
professors, 177
law, 7, 33–34, 38–38, 171–173, 179,
181–183, 200, 241n.3
pronouns, 103, 108, 112, 115, 129–130,
propositional meaning, 18, 217. See also
denotational meaning; reference;
semantics; text: denotational
prosody (intonation), 151, 181, 188,
psychology, 27, 237n.98, 237n.100

question-answer sequences, 36–37, 106,
108, 109, 148–149, 162, 240n.18,
252n.35.See also dialogue; pair-part
structure (adjacency pairs)

quotation.See direct quotation; indirect
quotation; reported speech

race, 15, 23, 26, 78, 119–120, 173, 202–
203, 208–209, 211, 213–214, 234n.59,
239n.121, 249n.8, 277n.67
“minority” students, 222, 225n.3,
240n.20, 259n.11, 260n.14,
275nn.59–67 (see also participation:
and race)
reading, 52–56, 60–64, 83, 94–96, 99–100,
133–134, 169, 246n.40
realism, 114
legal, 13, 219, 227nn.4–6; 228n.9
new legal, 237n.96, 266n.84
recontextualization, 45–49, 52–54, 63,
242n.8, 243n.14, 252n.28
Redmount, Robert, 143, 173, 236n.88,
reference, 32, 50, 94, 231n.24, 232n.34
and ideology, 46–50, 63–64, 242n.10,
repair, 126, 244n.30, 244n.32, 252n.35
repetition, 146–149, 163, 234n.61,
reported speech, 81, 88, 102–113, 153,
158, 162
resistance.See power: resistance to
Rhode, Deborah, 236n.87
role play, 65, 81, 82, 112, 126–127, 131–
132, 254n.11, 257n.32
Rosen, Lawrence, 239n.122
Rosenblum, Victor, 27, 210, 225n.1,
236n.90, 238n.107, 238n.109,
258n.38, 269n.7

Sacks, Harvey, 240n.15
Sander, Richard, 179, 276nn.61–66
Sapir, Edward, 17–18, 230n.18, 230n.20,
Sarat, Austin, 29, 32, 227n.3, 228n.8,
235n.81, 239n.6, 246n.41
Saussure, Ferdinand de, 18, 230n.20
Schegloff, Emanuel, 240n.15
Schieffelin, Bambi, 20, 21, 232n.37,
232n.40, 251n.26, 251nn.33–34
Schlegel, John Henry, 269n.1
schooling, 23–25, 49, 50, 60, 233nn.53–54,
234n. 72
Scollon, Ronald, 226n.7
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