equal opportunity and diversity management
and core concepts:
aYrmative action 254
employment discrimination 253
equal opportunity employment
policies253 4
inclusion255 6
multiculturalism 256
workforce diversity 255
and fairness 252
and family friendly management581 2
relation to582 3
and high involvement management581 2
relation to582 3
and HR practices587 8, 590
associations between592 4, 595
integrated approach to590 2
and increase in workplace diversity251 2
and international labor force trends257 8
immigration 258
labor shortage rates257 8
sources of diversity 257
women 257
work life balance 257
and multinational companies 520
and performance583 5,594 5
and requirements of 251
and reviewing existing practices 252
and selection procedures/practices307 9
see alsocultural diversity
Equal Pay Act (UK, 1970 ) 254
andWt 388
and HRM practices 387 , 539
equity theory, and psychological contracts 136
Erhart, M. G. 310
Eriksson, T. 352
Escott, K. 479
Esser, J. K. 347
Estey, M. 32
Europe, and institutional variations 168
European QualiWcations Framework 325 , 338
European Union:
and equal employment opportunity
policies 254
and stability and growth pact 471
and training and development 325 , 326
Barcelona agenda 328
Lisbon agenda 328
skill formation 327
Evans, D. P. 373
Evans, P. 4 , 5 , 58 , 61 , 118 , 420 , 523
executive pay, and pay dispersion 352
expectancy theory:
and high performance work systems 131
and pay incentives 346 , 348 , 478
and performance management 130
externalization of labor 211 , 213 , 273
Eylon, D. 198
factor analysis, and HRM systems 397
and customer satisfaction 440
and diversity management 252
and employee voice 233 ,237 8
and organizational justice 17980
and performance appraisals 266
and public sector 474
Fairris, D. 414
family friendly management 586
and equal opportunity management
581 2
relation to582 3
and high involvement management581 2
relation to582 3
and HR practices586 7, 590
associations between592 4, 595
integrated approach to590 2
and performance583 5,594 5
Fang, M. 347 , 512 , 517 , 524
Farnham, D.20 1
Fay, C. H. 368
and performance appraisal/
management374 6
and work content 191
Feldman, D. 137
Fenton O’Creevy, M. 246
Ferlie, E. 476
Ferna ́ndez Sa ́nchez, E. 396
Ferner, A. 242 , 494
Fernie, S. 585
Ferrell, O. C. 435
Wnancial markets, and dominance of 161
Findlay, P. 120 , 155 , 159
Finegold, D. 188 , 203 , 327
Fiol, C. M. 102
630 i n d e x