Wrm, theory of:
andWrm strategy 69
and heterogeneity ofWrms 69
and HRM68 9
see alsoresource based view ofWrm
Wrm performance:
and coherent HR systems 431
and core competencies 437
and cultural diversity 514
cultural intelligence 518
integrated approach to 516
knowledge sharing516 17
negative impact of514 15
positive impact of515 16
transnational teams517 18
and employee voice246 7
and employment subsystems 216 , 227
and high commitment management 536
and high performance work systems 536 , 546
and HR practices 92 , 386 ,583 5,594 5
integration of 584
testing of93 4
and HRM, causal links between547 8
causal chain540 1, 548
criteria for causal relationship 536
deWning HR practices538 9, 543 , 548
embeddedness 546
employee attitudes/behavior540 2, 548
factors aVecting542 3, 548
intended/actual practices 541 , 545
methodological problems534 6
operational management systems 546
organizational culture546 7
performance measurement
problems536 8,547 8
role of line managers543 5
search for 533
theoretical problems539 42, 548
and HRM, modeling linkages575 6
construct validity 560
control variables565 6
eVect sizes554 6
Wxed eVects564 5
inferring causality 556 ,572 3
instrumental variables567 9
LISREL569 70
mediators572 3
multilevel models 575
non random measurement error559 60
omitted variable bias560 2
propensity scores562 3
random measurement error557 9
selection bias correction 564
simple model of 553
simultaneity567 72
testing forWt573 5
time precedence570 2
two stage least squares567 9
types of error552 3
and manufacturing408 9
lean manufacturing 413 ,414 15
and organizational diversity 308
and recruitment:
evaluation of practices 276
recruitment intensity 276
and remuneration policy:
basis of pay354 5
employee ownership 398
pay dispersion352 4, 398
pay incentives346 50, 398
pay level356 8
sorting eVects349 50
top management team pay 398
and selection procedures/practices303 5
and work organization155 6
see alsoperformance appraisal/management
Wrm size, and recruitment 288
First World War, and origins of human
resource management 21
Fishbein, M. 308
Fisher, S. R. 102
Fiske, D. W. 559
and externalWt 53 , 221 , 386 , 389
andXexibility 537
and goals of HRM 51 , 53
and high performance work systems 413
contradictions in 421
and strategic HRM 385 , 386 , 387 ,429 30
HR practices andWt95 6
human capital andWt94 5
potential pitfalls ofWt96 7
and testing for573 5
see alsointernalWt
Fitts, P. M. 329
Flanagan, J. C. 368
Flanagan, M. 336
Flecker, J. 159
Fledde ́rus, Mary 24
Fleming, P. 158 , 159
index 631