Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management

(Steven Felgate) #1

Fletcher, C. 374
Fletcher, J. K. 611
Xexibility 178
and employment subsystems 225
and theWrm58 9, 70
andWt 537
and managerial control130 1
and person based pay354 5
and selection procedures/practices 314
Fligstein, N. 420
Florida, R. 408 , 409 , 413 , 416 , 495
Fombrum, C. 169
Ford Motor Co. 338
foreign direct investment:
and factors aVecting 493
and global HR strategy492 3, 502
and growth in 489
and labor regulation 267
Fornell, C. 441
Forrester, R. 199
Fortmann, K. 313
Foster, C. 475
Foster, E. M. 568 n 14
Foucault, M. 119
Foulkes, F. 29
Fox, A. 602
Fox, S. 313
Foxan, M. J. 334
frame of reference training (FOR) 373
and HRM 21
and public sector 473
and training and development:
competence 335
vocational education and training 330
Francis, H. 120
Frederick, S. 376
Freedman, A. 603
Freeman, R. 20 , 38 , 231 , 232 , 236 , 238 , 613
French, J. L. 41
French, S. 81
Frenkel, S. J. 191 , 435 , 456 , 491 , 499
Frese, M. 375
Frick, B. 357
Friday, E. 515
Friday, S. S. 515
Friedman, F. 251
Friedmann, A. L. 118
Fruin, M. 408

Fryer, D. 24
Fryer, G. 55
Fucini, J. 410 , 415
Fucini, S. 410 , 415
Fuller, L. 153
Fulmer, I. S. 559 , 562
Furby, L. 565 n 13

gain sharing, and pay for performance348 9
Galbraith, John Kenneth 451
Gamble, J. 495
game theory 74
Gangani, N. T. 335
Gannon, M. J. 517
Garcı ́a Falco ́n, J. M. 396 , 397
Gardner, T. M. 290 , 534 , 535 , 539
Gardner, W. L. 200
Garvin, D. 435
Gatewood, R. D. 280
Geare, A. J. 57
Geary, J. 155 , 415
Gelade, G. 135 , 537
Gelfand, M. J. 252
Genadry, N. 58 , 118
gender 110
and HRM 614
and performance appraisal/management 374
General Electric 22
General Motors 28
Gennard, J. 497
George, E. 76
Georgiadis, K. 232 , 239 , 245
Gerhart, B. 5 , 6 , 36 , 97 , 98 , 99 , 139 , 210 , 345 n 2 ,
347 , 348 , 352 , 355 , 356 , 357 , 359 , 385 , 386 ,
390 , 395 , 396 , 398 , 400 , 408 , 409 n 3 , 512 ,
517 , 524 ,534 5, 539 , 542 , 546 , 554 , 555 , 557 ,
558 , 559 , 560 , 564 , 565 , 570 , 571 n 16 , 572 ,
573 4, 610
and HRM 602
origins and early development of 21 , 24
and public sector:
employment relations 473
pay and conditions 474
and training and development:
competence335 6
skill formation 327
vocational education and training 330
Ghorpade, J. 116

632 i n d e x

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