Ghoshal, S. 223 , 453 , 456 , 504 , 516 , 521
Gibson, C. 512 , 517
Giddens, A. 49
Gilbreth, Frank194 5
Gill, C.240 1, 415
Gilliland, S. W. 314
Gittell, J. H. 436
Gittleman, M. 585 , 588
Glick, W. H. 559
global human resource strategy, and
multinational companies 490
and alignment with business
strategy499 501, 503
and analytical framework for490 1,501 2
and context of 491
and corporate social responsibility498 9,
codes of conduct 499
deWnition of 498
and diVusion of preferred strategies494 6,
502 ,519 20
and economic/socio political context
497 8
and foreign direct investment492 3, 502
and implementation503 4
and international staYng 504
and research on 490
and social capital 504
and trade unions 495 ,502 3
cross national cooperation 497
resistance to 496
Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior
EVectiveness project511 12
and employment subsystems211 12,216 17,
research implications218 19
and impact of 509
and selection procedures/practices 314
goals of human resource management5 6,
48 50, 63
and bestWt 53
and business strategy 51
and context of:
employee characteristics55 6
Wrm’s competitive strategy53 5
impact of dominant technology54 5
labor market 56
national environment 56
and diversity of537 8
and economic objectives of57 61
business viability 57
cost eVectiveness57 8
employer/employee tensions 58
organizationalXexibility58 9
sustained competitive advantage59 61
andWrm’s policies48 9
and goal frameworks50 2
context of51 2
external environment 52
Harvard framework50 1
inXuences on51 2
labor management styles 51 , 52
and goal theories53 6
and labor management 49
and socio political objectives of61 2
internalWt 61
managerial autonomy61 2
social legitimacy 61 , 537
goal setting theory:
and pay incentives 346 , 348
and performance appraisal/
management375 6
and performance management 130
and psychological contracts 136
Godard, J. 55 , 56 , 57 , 241 , 246 , 247 , 407 , 415 , 537 ,
538 , 610
GoYn, R. D. 366 , 371
Gollbach, J. 497
Gomez Mejia, L. R. 348
Gonzales, S. M. 215 , 216
Gooch, L. 110
Gooderham, P. 5 , 61 , 290
Goodman, D. J. 116
Goodman, J. 254 , 260
Goodstein, J. 595 n 6
Gordon, A. 25
Gordon, G. 547
Gordon, R. 32
Gospel, H. 20 , 31 , 49 , 56 , 61 , 168 , 232
Gouldner, A. 136
Government Communications Headquarters
(GCHQ, UK) 477
Govindarajan, V. 463
Graham, L. 410 , 415
Grandey, A. A. 191
Granovetter, M. 457
Grant, D. 120
index 633