and problem solving 236
and task based participation234 6
high involvement human resource
management 586
and equal opportunity management581 2
relation to582 3
and family friendly management581 2
relation to582 3
and HR practices588 9
associations between592 4, 595
integrated approach to590 2
and performance583 5,594 5
high performance paradigm (HPP) 538
high performance work systems 3 , 35 ,57 8, 131 ,
and beneWts of 143
and diYculties in implementing420 1
andWrm performance 536 , 546
and industrial relations approaches 431
and integration of practices 413
and manufacturing 407 , 408
lean manufacturing414 16
and person based pay354 5
and task based participation 234
see alsolean manufacturing
Hill, C. W. L. 211 , 226
Hill, P. A. 463
Hinder, E. 24
Hinds, P. J. 517
Hinings, C. R. 173 , 175 , 176
Hirano, K. 563
Hirono, R. 30
Hirschman, A. O. 74 , 233 , 237
history and development of human resource
management 19 ,601 6
in contemporary period32 41,603 6
academic developments32 6
ambiguity of 40
criticisms of 39 , 40
desperation38 9
divorce from economics 33
emergence of new conception of33 6
employment regulation36 7
internationalization of 32 , 41
organizational theory/behavior 33 ,
34 5
outside America39 41
problem areas41 2
reality of business practices 38
return of economists37 8
strategic management35 6
universities 37 , 39
and middle period (1930 65)25 32
in 1930 s25 7
collective bargaining26 7, 29
Great Depression 26
human relations movement28 9
low status 29
outside America30 1
post war period28 32
Second World War27 8
universities31 2
and origins and early development of20 5,
601 3
in 1920 s21 5
creation of employment oYces20 1
impact of First World War 21
industrial relations 22
industrial welfare work 20
outside America24 5
personnel management21 2
scientiWc management 21
universities23 4
Hitt, M. 90 , 101 , 304
Hochschild, A. R. 585
Hofbauer, J. 159
Hofstede, G. 511
Hogan, J. C. 307
Holder, G. 51 , 52
Hollenbeck, J. R. 310
Hollensbe, E. C. 348
Holman, D. 195 , 196 , 432
Holmes, S. 345 n 1 , 357
Holmstrom, B. 84
Holzer, H. 308
Hood, C. 475 , 481
Hope, V. 153
Hope Hailey, V. 40
horizontalWt 91 ,95 6
see alsoWt
Hornsby, J. 58
Hotchkiss, W. 23
Hough, L. M. 306 , 307
Houlihan, M. 154
House, R. J. 510 , 512
Howell, J. 32
Huang, X. 524
Hui, C. 134
index 635