human capital:
and ancillary knowledge 215
and competitive advantage 101 , 167 , 210 ,464 5
knowledge stocks222 3
and compulsory knowledge214 15
and conversion to intellectual capital 450
and core knowledge213 14
andWt94 5
and global approach to managing 212
and HRM157 9
and idiosyncratic knowledge 215
and labor process theory159 60
and lean manufacturing 414
as production resource 450
and strategic HRM 101
and strategic value 213
and uniqueness 213
see alsorecruitment; selection
human relations movement28 9
and organizational theory/behavior 33
Human Resource Development 3 ,332 3
and training and development 325
human resource management:
and alignment of functions 91
and analytical HRM4 7
importance of context4 6
model construction 6
outcome assessment6 7
scepticism of universal claims 5
and architecture of 390 , 539
and bestWt vs best practice 166
and contingency approach 129
and core propositions of148 9
questioning of160 2
and cross disciplinary integration7 8
and deWnition of 1 , 34
and diversity of 48 , 148
and feminization of 614
andWrm performance, causal links
between547 8
causal chain540 1, 548
criteria for causal relationship 536
deWning HR practices538 9, 543 , 548
embeddedness 546
employee attitudes/behavior540 2, 548
factors aVecting542 3, 548
intended/actual practices 541 , 545
methodological problems534 6
operational management systems 546
organizational culture546 7
performance measurement
problems536 8,547 8
role of line managers543 5
search for 533
theoretical problems539 42, 548
andWrm performance, modeling
linkages575 6
construct validity 560
control variables565 6
eVect sizes554 6
Wxed eVects564 5
inferring causality 556 ,572 3
instrumental variables567 9
LISREL569 70
mediators572 3
multilevel models 575
non random measurement error559 60
omitted variable bias560 2
propensity scores562 3
random measurement error557 9
selection bias correction 564
simple model of 553
simultaneity567 72
testing forWt573 5
time precedence570 2
two stage least squares567 9
types of error552 3
and industrial relations171 2
and institutional settings 168
and integrated approach to 584 ,590 2
and labor process theory 147
and lack of theory 108
and legitimacy of599 600
breakdown in social contract600 1
building knowledge economy607 9
changes required to restore615 16
crisis of trust 601
development of professional norms605 6
knowledge based work systems609 10
origin and development of601 6
rebuilding trust613 14
reframing role of strategy606 7
restoring employee voice612 13
work family agenda611 12
and management of work and people in
organizations 7
and maturation of discipline 2
and methodological limitations 161
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