and models of:
bureaucratic 51
clan 51
market 51
and national diVerences:
employment systems81 2
varieties of capitalism82 3
and necessity of 1
and new institutionalism173 7
and organizational theory/behavior 2 , 6
and practices of, diYculty in deWning538 9
and signiWcance of7 8
and social action categories 172
and strategic contingency approaches169 71
and sub domains of:
international HRM3 4
micro HRM2 3
strategic HRM 3 ,35 6
see alsogoals of human resource management;
history and development of HRM
human resource theory 178
Hunter, J. E. 293 , 300 , 301 , 334
Hunter, L. 59 , 201 , 558 n 10 , 561
Hunter, R. F. 334
Huntley, C. L. 349
Huselid, M. 36 , 75 , 92 , 94 , 96 , 155 , 210 , 211 , 276 ,
281 , 282 , 302 , 303 , 304 , 352 , 385 , 388 , 389 ,
393 , 397 , 408 , 414 , 430 , 534 , 554 n 3 , 555 ,
558 , 560 , 565 , 568 , 584 , 588 , 610
Hussey, D. E. 332
Husted, B. W. 512
Hutchinson, S. 201 , 541
Hyman, R. 58 , 71 , 118 , 231 , 497
Ibarra, H. 256
IBM 28
Ichniowski, C. 386 , 387 , 391 , 394 , 415 , 431 , 573 , 574
Iles, P. 338
Imai, M. 411 n 5
Imbens, G. W. 563
implicit person theory (IPT) 373
incentive theory, and personnel economics73 5
and compulsory knowledge214 15
and core knowledge213 14
and pay form/system346 9
sorting eVects349 50
see alsoremuneration
inclusion, and diversity management255 6,
262 6
India, and impact of foreign direct
investment 523
indirect discrimination253 4
induction, and micro human resource
management 2
industrial democracy 231
and origins of movement 21
see alsoemployee voice systems
industrial psychology 24
industrial relations:
and breakdown in social contract600 1
and coherent HR systems430 1
and employee voice 245
and high performance work systems 431
and HRM171 2
and Japan 412
and origins of 22
post war period 29
and strategic choice 171
and strategic HRM 3
Industrial Relations Association of America
Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc 23
inequality, and internal labor market
theory 79
informational justice 180
Ingraham, P. 472 , 480
Ingram, P. 595 n 6
and competitive advantage 98
and resources 90
Inkpen, A. C. 101 , 504
Innes, P. 159
and intellectual capital 223
and manufacturing 406 , 407
lean manufacturing 411 , 413 ,415 16
Institute of Labor Management 22
Institute of Personnel Management 31
Institute of Welfare Work 24
institutional theory 102
institutions, and national diVerences:
and employment systems81 2
and varieties of capitalism82 3
see alsonew institutionalism
integrity tests, and counterproductive
behavior 313
index 637