Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management

(Steven Felgate) #1

intellectual capital:
and deWnition of 223
as production resource 450
interdependence, and work content 191
internalWt 61
and basic assumption of 387 , 400
and competitive advantage 388
and complexity of 388
and eVects of:
additive eVects 393
interactive/synergistic eVects393 4
negative synergistic eVects 394
positive synergistic eVects 394
substitutable eVects 394
and empirical evidence on 396 ,400 1
inter HRM activity areaWt396 8
intra HRM activity areaWt398 9
and internally coherent HRM systems389 90
competitive strategy 389
HRM architecture389 90
organizationalXexibility 389
and meaning of386 7
and multilevel perspective394 5
and theory behind386 7
competitive advantage 388
resource based view ofWrm387 8
and types of 3903 , 400
between HRM systemWt391 2
complex interactivity392 3
inter HRM activity areaWt 391
intra HRM activity areaWt 391
strategic tensions391 2
within HRM system verticalWt390 1
see alsoWt
internal labor markets79 80
and decline in 158 , 273
internal markets, and New Public Management
(NPM) 479
international human resource management
(IHRM)3 4,510 11
and cross cultural research511 12
and employment subsystems216 19
and evolution of 511
and international work assignments510 11
see alsocultural diversity; global human
resource strategy
International Industrial Relations
Association 25 , 27
International Industrial Welfare (Personnel)
Congress ( 1925 ) 25

International Labor OYce 332
and training and development 325 ,
326 7
International Labor Organization 254 , 267 ,
606 , 612
International Monetary Fund 332
Internet, and recruitment293 4
interpersonal justice179 80
isomorphism173 4
and public sector 473
and training and development 330
Iverson, R. 538 , 542
Ivery, M. 135 , 537
Izumi, H. 201

Jackson, A. 266
Jackson, N. 111
Jackson, S. 5 , 53 , 54 , 94 , 167 , 170 , 219 , 222 , 244 ,
252 , 408
Jacoby, S. 21 , 22 , 25 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 38 , 80 , 537 , 602 ,
603 , 606
Jacques, R. 110 , 115
JaVee, D. 173 , 177
James, L. R. 568 n 14
James, M. 517
James, W. 452
and economic success of 37
and employment relations 412
and HRM 602
origins and early development of24 5,
and lean manufacturing411 12
and training and development 333
Jaros, J. 149
Javidan, M. 510 , 512
Jelf, G. S. 349
Jenkins, D. G.347 8, 351
Jensen, M. C. 73 , 346
Jewell, R. T. 352
Jimmieson, N. 198
job design 188
job enrichment, and motivational work
systems 196
job performance:
and performance appraisal/
management365 6
appraisal instruments367 8
behavioral observation scales 367 , 368

638 i n d e x

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