Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management

(Steven Felgate) #1

behaviorally anchored rating scales367 9
context 371 ,373 4
decision making376 7
deWning job performance365 71
electronic performance monitoring370 1
feedback/goal setting374 6
gender 374
observation of performance372 4
practicality of instruments368 70
requirements of appraisers369 70
teams 376
theoretical framework 366
training for372 3
trait scales368 9
use of technology370 1
and selection procedures/practices305 7
adaptive behaviors306 7
changes in meaning of 305
non task behaviors305 6
job rotation, and work content 191
John Lewis Partnership 57
Johnson, J. W. 436
Johnson, S. 332
Jones, D. P. 307
Jones, M. T. 515 , 523
Jordan 332
Joreskog, K. G. 569
Judge, T. A. 349 , 357 , 542
Juravich, T. 497
justice, and organizational justice 17980
just in time production,seelean manufacturing

Kahn, R. L. 190
Kahneman, D. 376
Kalberg, S. 116
Kalleberg, A. 412
Kamoche, K. 112
Kane, R. L. 435
Kang, S. C. 212 , 224
Kaplan, R. 8
Karasek, R. 140
Karreman, D. 120
Katz, D. 190
Katz, H. 49 , 233 , 242 , 407 , 417 , 609
Kaufman, B. 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 30 , 31 , 33 ,
38 , 69 n 2 , 70 , 71 , 76 , 158 , 241 , 292 , 602
Keefe, J. 614
Keefe, T. J. 366
Keenoy, T. 58 , 128 , 141

Keep, E. 337
Keleman, M. 112
Keller, B. 474
Kelloway, E. K. 306 , 312
Kelly, D. 39 , 40
Kendall, L. M. 367
Kennedy, A. 158
Kennedy, D. 22
Kennedy, P. 569 , 570
Kenney, M. 408 , 413 , 416 , 494 , 495
Kenny, D. A.572 3
Keown Gerrard, J. L. 370 , 375
Kepes, S. 387 , 390 , 391 , 392 , 395
Kerr, C. 80 , 513
Kersley, B. 483
Kessler, I. 58 , 134 , 233 , 236 , 244 , 473 , 479 , 481
Kickert, W. 484
Kim, D. O. 406 n 2
Kinnie, N.101 2, 245 , 456 , 458 , 461 , 463 , 464
Kinzley, W. 25
Kirkman, B. L. 193 , 200
Kirkpatrick, D. 331
Kirkpatrick, I. 476 , 477 , 481
Kitayama, S. 510
Klaas, B. S.357 8
Klarsfeld, A. 335
Klein, K. J. 309 , 311 , 376 , 395
Klemp, G. O. 334
Kluckhohn, C. 510 , 511
Kluger, A. N. 375
Kmenta, J. 561
Knights, D. 149 , 201
and communities of practice418 20
and embodied knowledge 452
and embrained knowledge 452
and location of critical 211
and strategic value 213
and uniqueness 213
knowledge, skills, ability (KSA) 539
knowledge economy 158 ,607 9
knowledge management:
and ancillary knowledge 215
and challenges of455 6
and competitive advantage 212
and compulsory knowledge214 15
and contradictory views of 451
and core knowledge213 14
and cultural diversity516 17

index 639
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