Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management

(Steven Felgate) #1

knowledge management (cont.)
and employment subsystems:
knowledgeXows222 5, 227
research implications225 6
and idiosyncratic knowledge 215
and increasing importance of 211
and knowledge environment453 4
and strategic HRM 228 , 500
knowledge workers:
and characteristics of454 6, 466
and classiWcation of 465
and deWnition of451 2, 466
application of knowledge452 3
context of knowledge production453 4
possession of knowledge 452
and management of 450 ,458 9
challenges of455 6
Xuid nature of work 457 ,459 60
identity formation 457 ,462 3, 465 , 466
importance of450 1
knowledge networks457 8
knowledge trading463 4
market based networks460 3
mystiWcation of 465
organizational networks 461
organizational perspective456 8
paradigm shift required456 7
performance management 462
personal/professional networks460 1
project based work 457
resource mobility barriers 456
retention employability dilemma 464
skill development 464 , 465
value appropriation 460 , 465
knowledge based work systems609 10
Knudsen, C. 112
Koch, M. J. 276 , 281 , 289
Kochan, T. 27 , 29 , 141 , 151 , 167 , 168 , 171 , 172 , 245 ,
255 , 406 n 2 , 410 , 430 , 594 , 601 , 603 , 605 ,
606 , 607 , 610 , 612 , 613
Kogut, B. 223
Kohn, A. 347
Kopelman, R. 369
Korczynski, M. 153 , 245 , 434 , 435 , 436
Kossek, E. 255 , 257 , 260 , 261
Kostova, T. 494
KozloV, Emme344 5
Kozlowski, S. W. J. 307 , 309 , 311 , 376 , 395
Kraatz, M. S. 177

Krafcik, J. F. 609
Kravitz, D. A. 308
Kreps, D.51 2, 70 , 78 , 179 , 190 , 193 , 202 , 222 , 392
Krieger, H.240 1
Kroeber, A. L. 510
Krueger, A. B. 568
Krupp 21
Kruse, D. L. 348 , 349 , 350 , 398
Kucera, D. 267
Kumar, V. 442
Kunda, G. 161
Kuratko, D. 58
Kusterer, K. C. 336
Kuwait 332
Kwan, K. M. 293
Kwon, H. 442
Kyochokai (Society for Harmonious
Cooperation) 25

labor management:
and high commitment model of 49
and HRM 49
labor market:
and dual labor market theory79 80
and employee voice 245
and impact on HRM goals 56
and internal labor market theory79 80
and international labor force trends257 8
and national diVerences81 2
and recruitment 288
and training and development 327
training policy 330
and varieties of capitalism approach82 3
labor process, a Marxian thinking about 118
labor process theory (LPT)
and core propositions of149 51
and HRM 147
managerial control151 3
skill formation/human capital157 9
work organization154 6
and lean manufacturing 410
and managerial control:
continuity of practices 153
extension of controls 154
hybridity of control structures 154
soft controls 152
worker resistance 153
and skill formation/human capital159 60
and work organization155 7

640 i n d e x

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