Laczo, R. M. 308
Lado, A. A. 92
Lafkas, J. J. 558 n 10 , 561
Lam, A. 457
Lambert, S. J. 595
Lammers, C. J. 174
Lance, C. E. 372
Landsbergis, P. 415
Langfred, C. W. 198 , 200
Langton, N. 353 , 399
Lansbury, R. D. 600
Larcker, D. 568
Lashley, C. 55
Latham, G. 130 , 136 , 191 , 275 , 295 , 364 , 365 , 367 ,
368 , 369 , 370 , 371 , 372 , 375
Latham, S. D. 370 , 375
Lave, J. 418
Lawler, E. 35 , 130 , 151 , 188 , 200 , 203 , 232 , 236 , 240 ,
242 , 244 , 348 ,354 5, 398 , 409 , 410 , 582
Lawler, J. J. 92 , 253 , 267 , 568 , 569
Lawrence, J. W. 167 , 169 n 1
Lawrence, P. 41
Lazear, Edward 37 , 72 , 73 , 74 ,75 6, 348 , 349 , 351 ,
352 , 353
Le Creusot 21
Le Grand, J. 472
Leach, D. J. 200 , 310
leader management exchange theory 134
leader member exchange (LMX) 545
and performance appraisal/management 364 ,
and role of line manager543 5
and work systems 192
lean manufacturing 153 , 407
and alternatives to416 17
HRM 417
Japanese oriented 417
joint team based 417
low wage 417
and demands of 412
as dominant system 406
andWrm performance 413 ,414 15
and HRM412 14
and human capital 414
and innovation 413
problems with415 16
and key argument of409 11
critical assessments of410 11
human centered model 410
and key characteristics of411 12
and research on practice of414 16
Wrm performance414 15
problems with415 16
and skill formation/development413 14
and workers in408 9
impact on415 16
Leana, C. R. 453
learning, and theories of 329
Learning and Skills Council (UK) 328
learning factory 408 , 418
learning organizations 102
Leck, J. 266
Ledwith, S. 110
Lee, J. 92
Lee, K. 177
Lee, M. B. 92
Lees, S. 5 , 55 , 61 , 117
Lefkowitz, J. 374
Legge, K. 2 ,4 5, 7 , 40 , 49 , 114 , 119 , 120 , 141 , 167 ,
407 , 421
and HRM599 600,603 6
breakdown in social contract600 1
building knowledge economy607 9
changes required in615 16
crisis of trust 601
development of professional norms605 6
knowledge based work systems609 10
origin and development of601 6
rebuilding trust613 14
reframing role of strategy606 7
restoring employee voice612 13
work family agenda611 12
and HRM strategy 61 , 537
and organizational justice179 80
and organizational legitimacy 180
and strategic balancing 178
Lei, D. 450
Leidner, R. 429
Leiserson, W. 23 ,25 6, 27
Lengnick Hall, C. A. 91 , 96 , 101
Lengnick Hall, M. L. 91 , 96 , 101
Leonard, J. S. 308 , 352 ,356 8
Leonard Barton, D. 219 , 408
Lepak, D.77 8, 95 , 131 , 210 , 212 , 213 , 214 , 215 , 216 ,
222 , 225 , 226 , 292 , 296 , 304 , 387 , 389 , 391 ,
395 , 414 , 437 , 452
index 641