Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management

(Steven Felgate) #1

MansWeld, B. 333
and communities of practice 407 ,418 20
and cost based competition 406
and employment systems, organizational basis
of 407
and future prospects of 421
and high performance work systems 407 , 408
diYculties in implementing420 1
and innovation 406 , 407
lean manufacturing 411 , 413
and lean manufacturing 407
alternatives to416 17
critical assessments of410 11
demands of 412
as dominant system 406
Wrm performance 413 ,414 15
HRM.412 14
human capital 414
human centered model 410
innovation 411 ,415 16
key argument of409 11
key characteristics of411 12
problems with415 16
research on practice of414 16
skill formation/development413 14
and learning factory 408 , 418
and management of human resources420 1
and multinational companies 4056
and organizational developments in 406
and relative importance of 405
and work organization 408
and work practices416 17
HRM 417
Japanese oriented 417
joint team based 417
low wage 417
and workers in408 9
employee involvement 409
impact of lean manufacturing415 16
organizational performance408 9
as sources of ideas 408
Marchand, A. 196
Marchington, M. 5 , 49 , 58 , 78 , 232 , 233 , 237 , 240 ,
244 , 245 , 246 , 545
Marcus, B. 313
Marginson, P. 496 , 497 , 602
and HRM 8

and services management 431
challenges facing432 3
conception of quality 435
interactive marketing 433
task of 433
markets, and transformation of 420
Marks, M. A. 200 , 306
Markus, H. R. 510
Marr, C. M. 574
Marsden, D. 38 , 75 , 77 , 80 ,81 2, 478
Marshall Plan 31
Martell, R. F. 373
Martin, G. 495
Martin, J. 35 , 420
Martin, R. L. 450
Martinez Lucio, M. 496
Martins, L. L. 314
Marx, Karl 110
Marxism, and organization theory117 19
Mason, G. 75
Masters, M. 472 , 483 , 484
Matsushita, Konosuke 333
Matusik, S. F. 211 , 226
May, T. Y. 450 , 454 , 455 , 456 , 457 , 462 , 465
Mayo, E.lton 28 , 110
mechanistic work systems194 6
Meckling, W. H. 73 , 346
MedoV,J. 231 , 238
Meek, L. 419
Meiksins, P. 406
Menezes, L. de 585 , 588
mentoring programs 266
mergers, and selection procedures/practices 314
Merkle, J. 25
Meshoulam, I. 53 , 95 , 96 , 170
Metcalf, H. 23
methodological individualism 70
methodology, and modeling HRM/performance
linkages575 6
and construct validity 560
and control variables565 6
and eVect sizes554 6
andWxed eVects564 5
and inferring causality 556 ,572 3
and instrumental variables567 9
and LISREL569 70
and mediators572 3
and multilevel models 575
and non random measurement error559 60

index 643
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