Body Language

(WallPaper) #1
Your feet act as pointers, signalling where your mind is going. Like a magnet,
they point in the direction of someone who appeals to you.

Ros is a vivacious, attractive woman who men flock to. At a recent party she
was flanked by a group of three men who struggled to take their eyes off her.
Each man stood with his front foot pointed toward her, silently indicating his
interest. Her feet shifted from man to man, reeling each of them in like a fish
on the line until she shifted her foot position towards her next target. All the
time, her face was smiling and her body was in an open position, demonstrat-
ing her ingenuousness and warmth.

If you want to show someone that you find him attractive, point your foot in
his direction. When you’re interested in a particular conversation, or another
person, place one foot forward towards the person, shortening the distance
between the two of you. If you’re not interested in the person, or in what he’s
saying, keep your feet back. If you’re seated, and are speaking with another
person who holds no interest for you, pull your feet back under your chair.

If you’re in conversation with another person and notice that he doesn’t
seem entirely engaged with you, look at where his feet are pointing.

Wolfgang and Daniela were at a party. It was late and Wolfie was tired, bored,
and wanted to be in his own bed watching television. While he and Daniela
were saying their good-byes, Wolfie couldn’t understand why he was having
so much difficulty in getting Daniela to leave. Had Wolfie looked, he would
have seen that while they were saying goodbye to their host, Daniela’s feet
remained pointed in the host’s direction, whereas Wolfie’s feet were heading
towards the door.

Fidgeting feet.......................................................................................

Fidgeting feet are a good indicator of someone’s impatience threshold. The
feet say they want to flee and so are forced to fidget until the time comes to
walk or run. If you’re standing, you may repeatedly tap your foot to indicate
your impatience. If you’re sitting with your legs crossed, you may twitch the
hanging foot up and down, or back and forth.

To appear calm on the outside when everything inside’s in a panic, breathe
from your abdomen, adjust your stance, and let your feet take root.

Knotted ankles ....................................................................................

Whether you’re sitting or standing, if you’ve knotted or twisted your ankles
together, the sign you’re giving is that you’re locked in and not budging.
Locked ankles reflect a closed, insecure, or a negative attitude, suggesting

174 Part III: The Trunk: Limbs and Roots

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