Body Language

(WallPaper) #1
Putting your handbag in close proximity
A woman’s handbag is her personal domain. Even most married men live in
terror of entering this most forbidden territory. Because a woman treats her
handbag as if it were a personal extension of her body, it becomes a strong
signal of sexual intimacy when she places her bag close to a man.

If a woman finds a man attractive she may deliberately stroke and caress her
bag in an inviting manner, tantalising and teasing her male admirer.

A woman who places her handbag close enough to a man for him to see or
touch it is sending out signals that she’s attracted to him. If she keeps her
bag away from him, she’s creating an emotional distance.

Pointing your knee in his direction
Watch the direction a woman’s knee points when she sits with one leg tucked
under the other. If a man is at the end of the sight line you can bet she finds
him interesting. From this relaxed position, she’s able to flash a bit of thigh
and gain her target’s attention.

Dangling a shoe
If a woman is sitting with a man and dangles a shoe off the end of her foot she’s
sending out the message that she’s relaxed and comfortable in his company. In
addition, the foot acts like a phallus as it thrusts itself in and out of her shoe.
Many men become unsettled by this gesture and they don’t know why.

If you want to test a woman’s comfort level as she swings her dangling shoe
off her pedicured toes, say or do something that unsettles her or makes her
anxious and observe how quickly that shoe goes back on her foot.

224 Part IV: Putting the Body into Social and Business Context

Lips, labia, and lipstick

A woman’s labia are in proportion to the thick-
ness of her facial lips. According to zoologist
Desmond Morris, women ‘self-mimic’ their
outer genital lips by making their facial lips wet
by licking them, or using lip gloss, thus creating
a sexual invitation.
When a women is sexually aroused her lips,
breasts, and genitals enlarge and become

redder as blood flows into them. The use of lip-
stick dates back 4,000 years to the time of the
Egyptians. Women would paint their lips to
mimic their sexually aroused and reddened
genitalia. Modern research shows that when
men look at photographs of women wearing dif-
ferent lipstick colours, they are consistently
drawn to the bright reds which they describe as
the most attractive and sensual.
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