Entwining your legs
Men consistently rank the leg twine as the most appealing sitting position a
woman can take. Women consciously use this gesture to draw attention to
their legs. When one leg is pressed up against the other it gives the appear-
ance of highly toned muscles (see Figure 13-5), which is the position the body
takes just before engaging in sex.
Women who want to entice a man and demonstrate their own interest slowly
cross and uncross their legs and gently stroke their thighs as an indication of
their desire to be caressed. Think of Sharon Stone’s provocative leg cross in
the film Basic Instinct.
Courting gestures of men ..................................................................
Compared with the vast amount of courtship signals women possess, men
have a sad and paltry few. In their effort to attract a woman, men often rely
on their power, money, and status as a means of flexing their muscles. Men’s
idea of a sexual invitation is to rev their engines, flaunt their wealth, and chal-
lenge other men.
Figure 13-5:
Men rank
the leg
twine as
number one
for its
Chapter 13: Dating and Mating 225