Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1

Glossary of Symbols901

symbol meaning
R path relation of relationR; reflexive transitive closure ofR
RC positive path relation ofR; transitive closure ofR
fbxg merge of walkfwith end vertexx
and walkgwith start vertexx
fbg merge of walkfand walkg
wheref’s end vertex equalsg’s start vertex
hu—vi undirected edge connecting verticesu¤v
E.G/ the edges of graphG
V.G/ the vertices of graphG
Cn the length-nundirected cycle
Ln the length-nline graph
Kn then-vertex complete graph
Hn then-dimensional hypercube
L.G/ the “left” vertices of bipartite graphG
R.G/ the “right” vertices of bipartite graphG
Kn;m the complete bipartite graph withnleft andmright vertices
.G/ chromatic number of simple graphG
Hn thenth Harmonic number

iD 1 1=i
 asymptotic equality
nŠ nfactorialWWDn.n1/ 2  1

WWDnŠ=mŠ..nm/Š; the binomial coefficient
o./ asymptotic notation “little oh”
O./ asymptotic notation “big oh”
‚./ asymptotic notation “Theta”
./ asymptotic notation “big Omega”
!./ asymptotic notation “little omega”
PrŒAç probability of eventA


conditional probability ofAgivenB
S sample space
IA indicator variable for eventA
PDF probability density function
CDF cumulative distribution function
ExŒRç expectation of random variableR
ExŒRjAç conditional expectation ofRgiven eventA
Ex^2 ŒRç abbreviation for.ExŒRç/^2
VarŒRç variance ofR
Var^2 ŒRç the square of the variance ofR
R standard deviation ofR
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