Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1


Cn, 398, 419
IE, indicator for eventE, 740
K3;3, 473
K 5 , 473
big omega, 533
‚./, 531
bij, 94
.G/, 414
Ex^2 ŒRç, 797
inj, 94
, 528
surj, 94
k-edge connected, 422
k-way independent, 719 , 742
r-permutation, 598
IQ, 790, 796
icr , 428

Ackermann function, 182
acyclic,see alsodirected graph, 327
adjacency matrix, 323
walk counting matrix, 324
Adleman, Leonard, 279
Akra-Bazzi formula, 883
Akra-Bazzi Theorem, 885 , 891
annuity, 503, 504
antichain, 334
antisymmetric relation, 338, 344
a posteriori, 708
asymmetric relation, 337, 344 , 363
asymptotic notation, 528
asymptotically smaller, o, little o,
asymptotic equality, 522
big O, 529
big Omega, 533
little omega, 534

asymptotic relations, 542
average, 751 , 789
average degree, 464
axiom, 4, 9
axiomatic method, 9
equivalence axioms,seeequiva-
lence (logic)
ZFC axioms, 9, 220
axiom of choice, 221, 222, 234
axiom of extensionality, 84, 220
axiom of pairing, 220
foundation axiom, 221
infinity axiom, 221
power set axiom, 221
replacement axiom, 221
subset axiom, 221
union axiom, 221

Banach-Tarski Theorem, 222
base case,seeinduction,seerecur-
sive data type
Bayes’ Rule, 708
Bayesian, 709
Beneˇs, Vaclav, 381 ́
Bernoulli distribution, 745
Bernoulli variable, 797
Bernoulli variables, 740
biased, 839
big O,seeasymptotic notation
bijection,seebinary relation
Binary GCD, 287
binary relation, 89 , 130, 326
bijection, 91 , 206
image, 92
injection, 91
product of relations, 340
properties, 335, 337, 343 , 363
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