Mathematics for Computer Science

(avery) #1


relation on a set, 89
surjection, 91 , 206
total, 91
binary trees, 190
Binet’s formula, 156, 638 , 877
binomial distribution, 745 , 749 , 800
Binomial Theorem, 566
binomial, 566
binomial coefficient, 567
bin packing, 807
bipartite graph, 401 , 405, 442, 486
degree-constrained, 405
birthday principle, 685
Book Stacking Problem, 516
Boole’s inequality, 687
Boole, George, 42
Boolean variable, 42
Borel-Cantelli Lemma, 835
bottleneck, 405
boundary conditions, 875
bridge, 482
Brin, Sergey, 317, 849
buildup error, 424
busy, 781 , 782

Cantor, Georg, 206
cardinality, 93
Cartesian product, 86 , 100
CDO, 834
ceiling, 899
chain, 331
characteristic equation, 878
Chebyshev’s Theorem, 793 , 805
Chebyshev Bound, 833
Chebyshev bound, 822
one-sided, 824
Chernoff Bound, 808
Chinese Appetizer problem, 791
Chinese Remainder Theorem, 303
chromatic number, 414

closed forms, 503
closed walk, 418
CNF,seeconjunctive form
codomain, 87 , 89
collateralized debt obligation, 834
Collatz conjecture, 182
collusion, 759, 761
colorable, 414
coloring, 385, 414
solid, 430
combinatorial proof, 589 , 624
communcation net
2-dimensional array, 388
latency, 376
communication net, 317, 373
2-dimensional array, 377
2-layer array, 388
Beneˇs net, 381
butterfly net, 379 , 391
complete binary tree, 373
congestion, 376
for min-latency, 390, 391
diameter, 374
for min-congestion, 390, 391
Reasoner net, 391
routing, 374
commutative ring, 268
ring of formal power series, 645
ring of intergers modulon, 268
Complement Rule, 687
complete bipartite graph, 473
complete graph, 473
composition, 350
of functions, 89
of relations, 326
concatenation, 175 , 322
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