
(Ann) #1

Bain, 14, 15
Baldassare & Katz, 34
Barber, 203
bare infinitives, 154
Barkow, Cosmides, & Toby, 198
bar-S, 137
bar-VP, 155
Bateman and Zidonis, 27
Baugh, 243, 245, 251
Baumrind, 203
behaviorism model
and language acquisition, 210n
best fit, 213
BEV, 236
and our schools, 239
Bhatnagar, 193
Bhatnagar, et al., 192, 193
Biblia pauperum,10n
Biblia vulgare istoriata,10n
bilingual education, 225
Bishop Robert Lowth, 11
Black English
and academic performance, 241
Black English Vernacular, 32, 236, 239
grammar of, 242
black middle class, 230
blended approach
and grammar instruction, 46, 47
Bloom, 22
Bloomfield, 99, 100, 165
Boas, 98, 99
Bohannon & Stanowicz, 208, 233
Braddock, Lloyd-Jones, & Schoer, 27,
Bradshaw, Ford, Adams-Webber, &
Boose, 185
brain function, 199
brain imaging, 192, 199
Broca’s area, 192
Bryce, 222
Bums & Anderson, 235


Calabretta, Nolfi, Parisi, & Wagner, 198
Calkins, 29, 45
Callaghan, 96

Calvin, 195
can and may
usage, 128
Carey, 212
case, 61
Castaneda & Ulanoff, 248, 252
cerebral cortex
and language, 192
Chall, 234
Chao, 203
Chicano English, 245
and academic performance, 247
and writing, 248
grammar of, 246
Chomsky, 38n, 161
and cognition, 278
influence of, 161
Christiansen, 29, 95
Christophe & Morton, 217
Cicero, 8
Civil Rights Movement, 239
Clark, 37
class warfare, 234
two types, 56
Cmiel, 13
Cobb’s Juvenile Reader, 13
code switching, 250
cognitive grammar
and code switching, 252
and language acquisition, 206
Cohen, Amsel, Redford, & Casasola,
Coles & Vopat, 24
Combs, 95
commerce, 10
common nouns, 59, 60
common prepositions, 90
communicative behavior
in infants, 37
communicative competence, 216
competence and performance, 187
and education, 34
in the neural network, 303
complements, 57
complement clauses, 139


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