
(Ann) #1

complementizing conjunction, 139
complex sentences, 136
problems with, 200
compound sentences, 140, 117
compound-complex sentences, 136
compulsory education laws, 13
computational model of cognition, 187
computational system
operation of, 186
Comrie, 207
conceptual blending, 202
conceptual categories, 202
conjunctions, 84
connecting associations
and tense, 215, 216
connecting strengths, 214
connectionism, 209
Connors, 96
Connors & Lunsford, 30
construing meaning, 203
contact vernacular, 236
and writing, 205, 206
coordinate XP rule, 117
coordinating conjunctions, 84
coordination, 114
cortical dynamics
and meaning, 203
Coulson, 234
creolization, 237
Cro-Magnon man, 221
Crosby, 9
Crowley, 14
Culicover, 38n, 207
culture wars, 240
cultural identity
and Standard English, 58
cumulative sentences, 134
cycle convention, 169


D’Souza, 239
Daiker, Kerek, & Morenberg, 95
Darling & Steinberg, 203
Davis, 24

Day & Ulatowska, 193
de Boysson-Bardies, 36, 37, 211
decreolization, 231, 237, 238
deep structure, 166
Dehaene, 192
Dehaene-Lambertz & Houston, 217
DeLoache, K. Miller, & Pierroutsakos,
Delpit, 249
Demetras, Post, & Snow, 208
demonstrative pronouns, 64
Dennis & Kohn, 193
Dennis & Whitaker, 193
in the minimalist program, 188
determiners, 83
dialectic, 5, 11
definition of, 220
and education, 224, 233
and gender, 251
Dillard, 236, 238
Dionysius Thrax, 5
direct objects, 75
displaced workers, 60
ditransitives verbs, 74
do support, 129
Donatus, 6
downward mobility, 34
dropout rates, 34
dropped inflections, 353
Dykema, 6


each other
one another, 112
ebonics, 239, 240
economic leveling, 59
Edelsky, 248, 249
Edmondson, 185n
education as sorting, 33
eight parts of speech, 54
Eisenstein, 10
Elbow, 24
Elements of Language,44, 46
Elley, Barham, Lamb, & Wyllie, 27


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