Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1

Wood and straw had been piled up around these faithful saints in order to
consume them with fire. To the surprise of his executioners, Anthony Parsons
did something absolutely amazing! He pulled the straw up around him and held it
against his chest and proclaimed to those that had gathered to watch them

ìThis is Godís armor, and now I am a Christian soldier
prepared for battle. I look for no mercy, but through the
merits of Christ. He is my only Savior, and I trust in Him for
my salvation.î 15

The Catholic Church has always discouraged the masses from reading the
Word of God. In the time of Henry VIII it was a crime to read or publish the Bible
in the native tongue of the land (English). Why? - Because itís very hard to
convince an informed populous that you are the only one that knows the secrets
of God if they can read it for themselves. In keeping with this papal decree, the
king declared:

ìWhoever reads the scriptures in ëWycliffeís learningí
(English), will forfeit land, cattle, goods, body, and life for
themselves and their heirs forever; and be condemned as
heretics to God, enemies of the crown, and complete traitors
to England.î 16

This edict from the king cost multitudes of bible believing Christians their lives!
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