oppositional defi ant disorder
vs., 653
Confabulation, 695
Confi dentiality, 718–720
duty to warn vs., 732
Confounding variables
(confounds), 157–158, 166
controlling with analogue
studies, 178–179
Congenital hypothyroidism, 629t
Conscious, the, 17
Consent, informed, 168, 168t,
Consequences, 122–123
in rational-emotive behavior
therapy, 128–129
in substance use disorders, 426
Contamination, obsession with,
300, 301t
Contemplation stage, 424
Context, 7–10, 102. See also
Social factors
in substance abuse disorders,
Contingency management,
Continuum of variables, 154
Contrapreparedness, 292
beliefs, 130t
delusions, 522
feared loss of in specifi c
phobias, 291–292
illusion of, 256
obsession with, 300, 301t
Control groups, 158
wait-list, 179–180, 179f
Converging evidence, 156
Conversion disorder, 360–365,
374t, 375t
Cooperativeness, 575–576
in dissociative identity
disorder, 349–351
for eating disorders, 464
in substance use disorders,
Copralalia, 676
Corporal punishment, 51
Corrective emotional
experience, 119
Correlational research,
160–163, 167t
on dose-response relationship,
185–186, 185f
on posttraumatic stress
disorder, 318
Correlation coeffi cient, 161, 161f
Corticotropin-releasing factor
(CRF), 202
Cortisol, 35, 42
child maltreatment and, 61
in depressive disorders,
in dissociative identity
disorder, 346
in gender identity disorder, 478
in panic disorder, 268–269
in posttraumatic stress
disorder, 318
in schizophrenia, 545
Counseling psychologists, 86
Counting compulsions, 300
Couples therapy
for panic disorder, 275–276
for personality disorders, 580
for sexual dysfunctions, 512
Course, of symptoms, 74,
Coyne, James, 208–209
Crack, 391–392
Cravings, 399
alcohol, 405
relief, 400
reward, 400
Creatine, prenatal cocaine
exposure and, 92
Creativity, bipolar disorder and,
Crick, Francis, 43
Criminal commitment, 732–733
Criminality. See also Legal issues
conduct disorder and, 596,
596t, 649
insanity and, 721–729
Criminal responsibility, 721–722
Criticism, sensitivity to, 280
Cross-dressing, 483t, 488–489
Cross-gender identifi cation, 475
Cruise, Tom, 77
Crystallized intelligence, 683
CT. See Computerized axial
tomography (CT)
drug, 401
for eating, 454
experiments studying, 157
interoceptive, 269
panic attack, 262–263
in posttraumatic stress
disorder, 317
social, 641
Cultural competence, 145–146
Cultural factors, 7–10. See also
Racial/ethnic groups
in body dysmorphic disorder,
cognitive distortions vs., 55
in depressive disorders, 207,
discrimination, 64
in dissociative fugue, 338
in dissociative identity
disorder, 347
in eating disorders, 456–457
emotions and, 56–57, 61
in learning disorders, 644
in obsessive-compulsive
disorder, 306
in panic disorder, 264–265,
in personality disorders, 585,
in posttraumatic stress
disorder, 321
in schizophrenia, 537–538,
in social phobia, 284
in somatization disorder, 358
in specifi c phobias, 294
in substance abuse disorders,
in suicide, 237–239, 237t
Cultural norms, 9
Cultural sensitivity, 146–147
in clinical assessment,
collectivist vs. individualist, 65
defi nition of, 8
individualist vs. collectivist,
social factors and, 65–66
Culture-bound disorders, 8–9
Cybertherapy, 133–134
Cyclothymic disorder, 220,
223–224, 226
Cymbalta, 211
Cyprotereone acetate, 492
° D °
Dangerousness, 729–738
defi nition of, 729–730
evaluation of, 730–731
Darkness Visible (Styron), 194
Darvon, 412
Data, 154
Day treatment programs, 140
D-cycloserine, 296
Debriefi ng of experiment
participants, 168
Deceitfulness, 649
Decision monitoring, 427f
Defense mechanisms, 19, 20t
Deinstitutionalization, 561–562,
735, 736
Delinquency, 14
Delirium, 689–694
amnestic disorder vs., 697
dementia vs., 704
Delirium tremens (DTs), 106,
408, 423
Delusional disorder, 529,
530–531, 534t
Delusional jealousy, 6, 531
Delusions, 6
of control, 522
dangerousness and, 730
of grandeur, 6, 522
jealous, 531
paranoid, 6, 522
persecutory, 6, 530
of reference, 522
in schizophrenia, 520, 522,
544–545, 548–549
somatic, 6, 531
Dementia, 143, 682
Alzheimer’s disease, 702–703,
704–707, 710, 711, 712
defi nition of, 701
due to Lewy bodies, 708–709
in Parkinsons’s disease, 708
substance-induced persisting,
treatment of, 711–712
vascular, 707–708
Demerol, 412
Dempsey, Patrick, 647
Dendrites, 38, 39, 39f
Denial, 20f
Depakote, 228
Dependence, substance,
alcohol, 405–406
dialectical behavior therapy
for, 132
Dependent personality disorder,
Dependent variables, 156–158
in randomized clinical trials,
in researching treatments, 175
Depersonalization, 314, 332,
Depersonalization disorder,
Depo-Provera, 492
Depressants, 404–411
alcohol, 404–406
neurological factors with,
sedative-hypnotic drugs,
social factors with, 410–411
treatment of abuse of,
422–423, 424t
aging and, 685–686, 685t
attribution and, 56, 57
atypical, 196
in borderline personality
disorder, 601
in children and adolescents,
chronic, 197
cognitive psychology on, 24
cognitive restructuring for,
comorbidity with, 85
correlation vs. causation of,
cortisol and, 42
in dementia, 711–712
dementia vs., 704
diagnosis of, 74–75
double, 198
electroconvulsive therapy in,
family effects of parental, 62
family systems therapy for,
frontal lobe activity in, 58
generalized anxiety disorder
and, 253–254, 258
genetics in, 43
in gifted children, 162
heterogeneity of, 194