Abnormal Psychology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
hopelessness, 205
interactional theory of,
learned helplessness in, 155,
medications for, 113
negative triad of, 203
in older patients, 117
placebo effect in, 176
postpartum, 197
posttraumatic stress disorder
and, 316, 319–320
punishment and, 52
racial/ethnic differences in, 145
recurrent, 195
schizophrenia vs., 529
self-help for, 140, 141
serotonin and, 34
single episode, 195
socioeconomic status and, 63
somatization disorder vs., 357
specifi c factors in, 178
stress–diathesis model of,
201–202, 206
substance P and, 93
substance use disorder and,
therapy for, 181–182
thyroxin and, 93
transcranial magnetic
stimulation for, 114–115
treatment of, 109–110,
Depression and Bipolar Support
Alliance, 140
Depressive attributional style,
204–205, 204t
Depressive disorders, 191–216
anxiety disorders with, 251
bipolar, 192, 217–231
cultural factors in, 206, 207
dysthymic disorder, 198–199
feedback loops in, 208–209,
215–216, 215f
gender differences in,
major depressive disorder,
major depressive episode,
neurological factors in,
199–203, 209–212
psychological factors in,
203–205, 212–213
social factors in, 205–208,
suicide and, 232–243
treating, 209–216
Derealization, 314, 332, 340
Desire, sexual
defi nition of, 495
disorders in, 496t, 497–499
hypoactive sexual desire
disorder, 496t, 497–499
sexual aversion disorder,
496t, 499
Detoxifi cation, 421–422

Dexedrine, 392
Diagnosis, 71–107
assessment in, 88–105
caution in, 76–77
defi nition of, 73
mental health professionals
providing, 86–87
not otherwise specifi ed, 84
as stigmatizing label, 76, 77
value of, 74–76
Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-IV-TR),
on anorexia nervosa,
436–439, 437t, 441
on attention-defi cit/
hyperactivity disorder,
Axis I disorders in, 80
Axis II disorders in, 80
Axis III disorders in, 80
Axis IV disorders in, 80–81
Axis V disorders in, 81, 81t
on bulimia nervosa, 445–446
clinical interview format in, 98
on conversion disorder,
criticisms of, 81–85
on dissociative identity
disorder, 345
evolution of, 79
on gender identity disorder,
in manual-based treatment,
multiaxial system in, 79–81,
80t, 81t
neurological factors in, 169
on pain disorder, 354–355
on paraphilias, 490
on personality disorders,
on posttraumatic stress
disorder, 313, 316–317
on schizophrenia, 525–526
on schizophrenia subtypes,
on sexual dysfunctions,
on somatization disorder,
specifi ers in, 196–197
suggested sixth axis for, 234
Diagnostic bias, 76–77
Dialectical behavior therapy
(DBT), 131–132, 606–607
Dialectics, 606
Diathesis–stress model. See
Stress–diathesis model
Diazepam, 404, 407
Dichotomous thinking, 130t
Dieting, 454, 460
Dilaudid, 412
Diminished capacity, 727
Disinhibited eating, 454

Disorder of written expression,
Disorganized attachment, 25
Disorganized behavior
in schizophrenia, 520–521,
in schizotypal personality
disorder, 586
Disorganized schizophrenia, 527
Disqualifying the positive, 54t
Disruptive behavior and
attention disorders,
attention-defi cit/hyperactivity
disorder, 655–660
conduct disorder, 649–652
neurological factors in,
oppositional defi ant disorder,
psychological factors in,
social factors in, 663–664
treatment of, 666–670
Dissertations, 86
Dissocial behavior, 576
in conversion disorder,
defi nition of, 331–352
normal vs. abnormal,
in posttraumatic stress
disorder, 320
in somatoform disorders, 353
Dissociation theory, 336
Dissociative amnesia, 314,
Dissociative anesthetics,
415–416, 417
Dissociative disorders, 331–352
amnesia, 314, 332, 333,
attention-defi cit/hyperactivity
disorder vs., 658
cultural variation in, 333
defi nition of, 333
depersonalization disorder,
332, 340–343
derealization, 332
diagnostic criteria for, 334t
dissociative fugue, 337–340
emotions in, 57
identity disorder, 332,
normal dissociation vs.,
not otherwise specifi ed, 334
treatment of, 349–351
Dissociative fugue, 337–340
Dissociative identity disorder
(DID), 344–349
Distractibility, in bipolar
disorder, 219
Distress, 4–5, 8
Disulfi ram, 422
Divalproex, 228

Divorce, 142
Dix, Dorothea, 15, 15f
Dizygotic twins, 45
Dodo bird verdict, 180, 181
Dominant genes, 43
Donepezil, 711
Dopamine, 40
in antisocial personality
disorder, 596
in attention-defi cit/
hyperactivity disorder,
661, 666
in depressive disorders, 201
in generalized anxiety
disorder, 255
paraphilias and, 491
in schizophrenia, 544–545,
in social phobia, 282
in substance use disorders,
393, 395–399, 416–417
temperament and, 59
Dopamine hypothesis of
schizophrenia, 544–545
Dopamine reward system,
395–398, 401
depressants and, 407
narcotic analgesics and, 416
Dopaminergic hypothesis of
substance abuse, 397
Dose-response relationship,
185–186, 185f
eating disorders and, 468
Double-blind design, 173, 176
Double depression, 198
Doubt, obsession with, 300,
Down syndrome, 629t
Dramatic/erratic personality
disorders, 592–613
antisocial, 592–599
borderline, 599–608
histrionic, 608–610
narcissistic, 610–612
Drapetomania, 9
Dream analysis, 119–120
Drinking: A Love Story
(Knapp), 406, 438
Driven to Distraction
(Hallowell), 657
Dropouts, in research, 176–177
Drug abuse. See Substance
Drug courts, 740–741
Drug cues, 401
Dukakis, Kitty, 74–75, 75f
Duloxetine, 211
Durham test, 722–723, 724t
Durham v. U.S., 722
Dusky v. United States, 727,
Duty to protect, 732
Duty to warn, 732, 733–734
Dysfunctional thoughts, 203
Dyslexia, 646, 647
Dysmorphophobia.See Body
dysmorphic disorder


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