Dyspareunia, 496t, 503, 505,
Dysthymic disorder, 198–199
antidepressants for, 211
attributional style in, 226
° E °
Eating disorders, 435–471
anorexia nervosa, 103–104,
125, 251, 436–442
bulimia nervosa, 124, 125,
180, 386, 435, 442–447
childhood, 675
defi nition of, 436
feedback loops in, 460, 461f,
469, 469t
impulsivity in, 386
neurological factors in,
448–450, 463–464
not otherwise specifi ed, 84,
446–447, 460
objectifi cation theory on,
personality disorders and, 592
psychological factors in,
450–455, 464–466
social factors in, 455–460,
treatment of, 462–470
Ecstasy, 394
ECT. See Electroconvulsive
therapy (ECT)
Effectiveness, 184
Effexor, 211, 258, 286
Effi cacy, 184
Ego, 18, 19, 118
Elavil, 209
Elder day care, 712
Elderly. See Aging; Older
Electroconvulsive therapy
(ECT), 114
with children, 116
cortisol lowered by, 201–202
for depressive disorders, 212
with older patients, 117
for schizophrenia, 559
Electrolytes, 440, 463
Elimination disorders, 657f,
E-mail, therapy via, 133
Emotion, 55–59
anxiety disorders and, 251
in autism spectrum disorders,
behavior and, 56
in borderline personality
disorder, 600, 603–604
clinical assessment of, 95
in depersonalization disorder,
in dissociative identity
disorder, 346
high expressed, 61, 550–551
mental processes/contents
and, 56–57
in obsessive-compulsive
personality disorder,
in panic disorder, 268
in psychological disorders, 57
in schizophrenia, 549
withdrawal, 268
Emotional dysregulation, 576
Emotional reasoning, 283
Empathy, genuine, 121
Empirical support, 183
Encopresis, 675
Endocrine system, 42
Endogenous cannabinoids, 41
Endogenous opioids, 407–408
Endorphins, 416
Enuresis, 675–676, 675f
Environment, genetics and,
43–44, 45, 46–47
Environmental exposure
amnestic disorder from, 697
in attention-defi cit/hyperactivity
disorder, 662
mental retardation from,
in substance abuse, 385
Epidemiology, 162
Epinephrine.See Adrenaline
Erogenous zones, 18
Erotica, 492
Erotomania, 530
Errorless learning techniques,
Estrogen, in schizophrenia,
Estrogen protection hyothesis,
E-therapy, 133
Ethics, 167–168, 718–721. See
also Legal issues
confi dentiality and, 718–720
experimental treatments and,
informed consent in, 720–721
Etiology, 33, 75
Evening programs, 140
Evil, 13
Evocative interaction, 46–47
Evolutionary psychology
on social phobia, 281
on specifi c phobias, 291–292
Excitalopram, 258
Excitement phase, 494, 495f
Exclusion criteria, 182, 183
Executive functioning, 36
in conversion disorder, 365
defi cits in schizophrenia,
in dementia, 701
fl uid intelligence in, 683
in schizophrenia, 547–548
Executive monitoring system,
336, 365
Exhibitionism, 483t, 484–485,
Exner, John, 101
Exogenous opioids, 412
Exorcism, 11, 13
Expansive mood, 217–218, 219
assessing mental processes
and, 170
experimenter, 173
in placebo effect, 187
Experimenter expectancy
effects, 173
Experiments, 156–159, 167t
bias in, 158–159
control groups and conditions
in, 158
double-blind, 173, 176
exclusion criteria in, 182
quasi-experimental designs,
single-participant, 164–166
validity of, 159
variables in, 156–158
Explicit memory, 683
Exposure therapy, 123–124,
123t, 131
for eating disorders, 465
for generalized anxiety
disorder, 258–259, 259f
graded, 296
for obsessive-compulsive
disorder, 308–309
for panic disorder, 273–274
for posttraumatic stress
disorder, 323–324
with response prevention,
125, 308–309, 465
for social phobia, 286–287
for specifi c phobias, 296
technology in, 133
virtual reality, 124, 296
External attibutional style,
204–205, 204t
Externalizing problems, 57, 85
External validity, 159
Extinction, 126
Eye contact
in Asperger’s disorder, 636
in autism, 633
in schizophrenia, 523, 532
° F °
Facial expression discrimination,
62, 283
in Asperger’s disorder, 636
in attention-defi cit/
hyperactivity disorder,
662, 664
in autism spectrum disorders,
639, 662
in schizophrenia, 549
Facial Recognition Test, 93
Factitious disorder, 96
conversion disorder as, 363
pain disorder vs., 354–355
somatoform disorders vs., 353
False alarms, 269, 272
False belief test, 639
Family, 60–62
in antisocial personality
disorder, 597
assessing functioning of,
attachment style and, 24–25
bipolar disorders and, 226
in childhood disorders,
child maltreatment, 61–62
in conduct disorder, 652
dementia and, 712
disruptive behavior disorders
and, 667–668
in eating disorders, 450,
Freud on, 19, 20, 24
gender identity disorder and,
interaction style and relapse,
in narcissistic personality
disorder, 612
obsessive-compulsive disorder
and, 306, 307
paraphilias and, 491
parental psychological
disorders and, 62
in personality disorders,
577–579, 578f
prevention programs for,
schizophrenia and, 550–551
in social phobia, 284
substance use disorders and,
389, 402
suicide and, 235
Family Adaptability and
Cohesion Scales, Version
3, 102
Family Environment Scale, 102
Family systems therapy,
137–139, 214
Family therapy, 137, 139, 143
analogue studies on, 179
for antisocial personality
disorder, 599
for eating disorders, 467
Maudsley approach, 467
for obsessive-compulsive
disorder, 309
with older patients, 143
for personality disorders, 580,
for posttraumatic stress
disorder, 324
for schizophrenia, 560–561
for somatoform disorders,
for substance use disorders,
Fasting, 443
Faughey, Kathryn, 737
Faulty estimations, 293–294
Fearful/anxious personality
disorders, 613–621
avoidant, 613–615
dependent, 615–617