Abnormal Psychology

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


personality disorder vs.,
paraphilias as, 490
psychological factors in, 305,
social factors in, 305–306, 309
treatment of, 308–310
personality disorder,
Occipital lobe, 36, 36f
O’Connor v. Donaldson, 739
Odd/eccentric personality
disorders, 581–591
paranoid, 106, 581–583
schizoid, 583–585
schizotypal, 585–588
treatment of, 590–591
Off-label prescriptions, 116
Olanzapine, 229
Older patients
delirium in, 689–694, 690–691
generalized anxiety disorder
in, 254
normal vs. abnormal
cognitive function in,
targeting neurological factors
in, 116–117
targeting psychological
factors in, 134
targeting social factors in,
Operant conditioning, 50–52, 52t
in antisocial personality
disorder, 597
in behavior therapy, 125–126
cognitive distortions from, 54
in eating disorders, 452
feedback loops in, 52–53
in obsessive-compulsive
disorder, 305
in posttraumatic stress
disorder, 320
in social phobia, 284
in somatization disorder, 358
in specifi c phobias, 294
in substance use disorder,
399, 400–401
in substance use disorders, 410
Opioids, 396f, 412–413
endogenous, 407–408
exogenous, 412
Oppositional defi ant disorder,
653–655, 662, 663
Order, obsession with, 300,
Ordering compulsions, 300
Orgasmic disorders, 496t,
Orgasm phase, 495, 495f
Orphanages, 550
Osmond, Marie, 197
Outcome assessment, 179
Overdoses, 417
Overgeneralization, 54t

Oxycodone, 412
OxyContin, 412
Oxygen deprivation, 543

° P °
Pain disorder, 354–355
conversion disorder and, 363
fi ght-or-fl ight response and,
Panic attacks
cognitive explanations of, 271
defi nition of, 262, 263t
depersonalization disorder
compared with, 340
DSM-IV-TR classifi cation
of, 80
experiments studying, 157
in panic disorder, 262–263
separation anxiety disorder
and, 673
Panic disorder, 262–277, 265t
with agoraphobia, 267
agoraphobia and, 266–267
defi nition of, 263–265, 264t
feedback loops in, 271–273,
272f, 276, 276f
genetic factors in, 269
hypochondriasis and, 366–367
neurological factors in,
268–269, 273
psychological factors in,
269–271, 273–275
social factors in, 271,
social phobia vs., 281
treatment of, 273–276
Pappenheim, Bertha, 378. See
also Anna O.
Paradoxical intention, 138–139
in conversion disorder, 360
hypnotically induced, 365
Paralytic dementia, 25–26
Paranoia, 7
in amphetamine psychosis,
Paranoid delusions, 6, 522
Paranoid personality disorder,
106, 581–583
Paranoid schizophrenia,
526–527, 548–549
paranoid personality disorder
vs., 582
Paraphilias, 482–494
assessment of, 489–490
nonconsenting individuals in,
nonhumanobjects in,
sadism and masochism,
treatment of, 492–493
Parasuicidal behavior, 600
in borderline personality
disorder, 604

Parasympathetic nervous
system, 36
Parens patriae, 733, 738
Parent-child interactions
in social phobia, 284
Parent management training,
Parietal lobe, 36, 36f
in conversion disorder, 363
in dissociative fugue, 339
in eating disorders, 448, 449
Parkinson’s disease, 708, 710t
Paroxetine, 209, 211, 258, 286,
308, 323
Parsons v. Alabama, 722
Partial cases, 446
Partial hospitalization, 140
Partial insanity, 15
Partialism, 488
Passive interaction, 46
Pastoral counseling, 87
Pavlov, Ivan, 23
Pavlovian conditioning. See
Classical conditioning
Paxil, 209, 211, 258, 286, 308,
PCP (phencyclidine), 384,
PDE-5 inhibitors. See
Phosphodiesterase type 5
(PDE-5) inhibitors
Pediatric autoimmune
disorder associated with
streptococcal infection
(PANDAS), 163, 164–166,
Pedophilia, 483t, 484, 486, 490
Peel, Robert, 722
in eating disorders, 455–456
substance use disorders and,
Penile plethysmography, 489,
Pentobarbital, 406–407
Perception, 53
in conversion disorder, 361
emotions and bias in, 56–57
of norms, substance use and,
in schizotypal personality
disorder, 586–588
Perceptual reasoning, 99
Perfectionism, 452–453, 617,
Peripheral nervous system
(PSN), 35
Persecutory delusions, 6, 530
Persistence, 59
in antisocial personality
disorder, 596
Personal digital assistants
(PDAs), 699
assessment of, 99–101
defi nition of, 569

in dissociative identity
disorder, 344–349
mental retardation and, 627
in posttraumatic stress
disorder, 321
Personality disorders, 567–623
antisocial, 106, 592–599
assessment of, 571
attention-defi cit/hyperactivity
disorder vs., 658
avoidant, 613–615
borderline, 599–608
Cluster A, B, C, 572, 572t
comparison summary of, 620t
dangerousness and, 730
defi nition of, 567
dependent, 615–617
diagnosis of, 568–569
dramatic/erratic, 592–613
DSM-IV-TR classifi cation of,
80, 570–574
emotion regulation in, 57
fearful/anxious, 613–621
feedback loops in, 577–579,
578f, 589, 590f, 597,
598f, 604, 605f,
607–608, 607f
histrionic, 608–610
narcissistic, 106, 610–612
neurological factors in, 574,
579, 588, 595–596,
not otherwise specifi ed, 573
obsessive-compulsive, 617–618
odd/eccentric, 581–591
paranoid, 106, 581–583
psychological factors in,
579–580, 588–589, 597,
603–604, 606–607
psychological factors in,
schizoid, 583–585
schizotypal, 585–588
social factors in, 580, 589, 607
somatization disorder vs., 357
suicide and, 234
treatment of, 579–580,
590–591, 597–599
Personality traits
defi nition of, 569
in eating disorders, 452–453
perfectionism, 452–453
Personalization, 54t
Pervasive developmental
disorders, 625, 632–642
autism spectrum disorders,
childhood disintegrative
disorder, 641
defi nition of, 632
Rett’s disorder, 629t, 641
PET. See Positron emission
tomography (PET)
Peyote, 390
Phencyclidine (PCP), 415–416
Phenelzine, 209
Phenotype, 43
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