trigueño: corn-coloured; of a light brown complexion
trilla: threshing; red mullet
trillado: well-worn; hackneyed; beaten; trite; commonplace
trilladora: threshing machine; thrasher
trillar: to thresh; to thrash; to beat; to frequent; to crush; to maltreat
trillizo: triplet
trillón: quintillion; trillion
trilogía: trilogy
trimestral: quarterly; three-monthly; trimestral; trimestrial
trimestre: quarter; three months; term
trinar: to trill; to warble; to quaver; to be very angry or impatient
trincar: to catch; to tie; to fasten; to lash; to knock back; to drink; to swindle
trinchar: to carve
trinchera: trench; ditch; entrenchment; trench coat
trineo: sleigh; sledge; sled
Trinidad: Trinidad
Trinidad: Trinity
trino: trill; warble; shake; trine; trinitarian; ternary
trinquete: foremast; foresail; foreyard; ratchet; pawl; hall for playing pelota
trío: trio
tripa: tummy; belly; paunch; intestine; gut; bowel; filling; filler; tripas: guts; insides; hacer de
tripas corazón: to pluck up courage
tripada: belly flop; bellyful
tripartito: tripartite
tripero: greedy; glutton; bellyband; gut seller
triple: triple; treble
triplicado: threefold; triplicate
triplicar: to triple; to treble; to triplicate
triplicarse: to triple; to treble
trípode: tripod
tríptico: triptych
triptongo: triphthong
tripudo: potbellied; big-bellied
tripulación: crew
tripulante: crew member
tripular: to man; to be a member of the crew of
triquinosis: trichinosis
triquiñuela: ruse; trick; chicanery; wile; subterfuge
triquitraque: clattering; clickety-clack; cracking; clacking; clatter; firecracker
tris: clink; trice; ace; en un tris: almost; within an ace
trisílabo: trisyllabic; three-syllabic word; trisyllable
trismo: lockjaw
triste: sad; dull; gloomy; dismal; humble; single; deplorable; painful; paltry; sorry
tristeza: sadness; gloom; grief; sorrow; trouble; woe
tritón: newt; triton; eft
triturar: to crush; to grind up; to triturate; to tear to pieces
triunfador: triumphant; victorious; winning; winner; victor
triunfal: triumphant; triumphal
triunfalismo: overconfidence; triumphalism
triunfalista: overconfident; triumphalist
triunfar: to be victorious; to triumph; to win; to succeed; to be successful; to make a great show;