English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

acebo: holly bush; holly tree
acechar: to lie in wait for; to threaten
acecho: watching; watch
aceite: oil
aceitera: oil bottle; oilcan
aceitero: oil
aceitoso: oily
aceituna: olive
aceitunado: olive-coloured
aceitunero: olive; olive picker
aceleración: acceleration
acelerador: accelerating; accelerator; throttle
acelerar: accelerate; to hurry; to speed up
acelerón: sudden increase in speed
acelga: chard
acémila: mule; oaf
acento: accent; stress; emphasis
acentuación: accentuation
acentuar: to accentuate; to stress; to emphasize
acepción: sense; meaning
aceptación: acceptance; approval
aceptar: to accept
acequia: irrigation ditch
acera: pavement; sidewalk
acerado: steel; biting; scathing
acerbo: sour; scathing
acerca de: about
acercamiento: approach; drawing together; rapprochement
acercar: to bring near; to give a lift to
acerería: steelworks
acero: steel; acero inoxidable: stainless steel
acérrimo: staunch; bitter
acertado: correct; good;
acertante: winner
acertar: to be right; acertar a: to get right; to guess
acertijo: riddle
acervo: heritage
acetileno: acetylene
acetona: acetone
achacar: to attribute; to put down
achacoso: infirm
achantar: to scare
achaparrado: squat; short
achaque: ailment
achatado: flattened
achicar: to make smaller; to bail; to intimidate
achicharrar: to burn
achicoria: chicory
achinado: oriental; slanting
achís: atishoo
achispado: tipsy

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