English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

achisparse: to get tipsy
achuchado: difficult
achuchar: to press; to set against; to hug
achuchón: shove
achulado: insolent; bigheaded
aciago: fateful
acicalado: smart
acicalar: to smarten up
acicalarse: to get dressed up
acicate: spur; incentive
acidez: sharpness; acidity; heartburn
ácido: acid; acidic; harsh
acientífico: unscientific
acierto: correct answer; good idea; skill
aclamación: acclamation
aclamar: to acclaim
aclaración: clarification
aclarado: rinse
aclarar: lo lighten; to make clear; to clarify; to clear up
aclararse: to turn lighter; to clear; to make up one's mind
aclimatar: to acclimatize; to acclimate
aclimatarse: to become acclimatized; to become acclimated
acné: acne
acobardar: to intimidate
acobardarse: to be frightened
acogedor: welcoming; friendly; cosy; cozy
acoger: to welcome; to receive; to take in
acogerse: to seek shelter
acogida: welcome; reception
acolchado: quilted; quilt
acolchar: to quilt
acólito: acolyte; server; minion
acometer: to attack; to take on; to undertake
acometida: attack
acomodado: well-off
acomodador: usher
acomodadora: usherette
acomodar: to accommodate; to give a job to; to pull strings for
acomodarse: to install oneself; to get used to
acomodaticio: flexible; easy-going
acompañado: accompanied
acompañamiento: accompaniment; escort
acompañante: companion
acompañar: to accompany; to keep company; to enclose
acompañarse: to accompany oneself
acompasado: regular; rhythmic; slow
acompasar: to keep time with; to coordinate
acomplejado: suffering from a complex
acomplejar: to give a complex to
acomplejarse: to get a complex
acondicionado: equipped

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