English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

acondicionador: conditioner
acondicionar: to fit out
acongojado: distressed; upset
acongojar: to distress; to upset
acongojarse: to become distressed
aconsejable: advisable
aconsejar: to advise
acontecer: to happen; to occur; to befall
acontecimiento: event
acopiar: to gather together; to get in
acoplamiento: fitting together; coupling; docking
acoplar: to fit together; to mate; to dock
acoplarse: to join; to fit together; to dock; to fit in
acoquinar: to frighten
acorazado: armoured; armored; battleship
acordado: agreed
acordar: to agree; to grant
acordarse: to remember
acorde: chord; in accordance
acordeón: accordion
acordonar: to lace up; to cordon off
acorralado: cornered
acorralar: to round up; to corner
acortar: to shorten; to make shorter; to take a shortcut
acortarse: to become shorter
acosar: to pursue; to give no peace to; to sexually harass
acoso: pursuit; harassment
acostado: abed
acostar: to put to bed; to bring alongside
acostarse: to lie down
acostumbrado: accustomed; usual; used to
acostumbrar: to be in the habit of
acotación: stage direction; margin note
acotar: to mark the boundary of; to annotate
acre: tart; sour; acrid; acid; biting; acre
acrecentar: ti increase
acreditación: accreditation
acreditado: accredited; reputable
acreditar: to be proof of; to establish; to accredit
acreditarse: to become established
acreedor: worthy; deserving; creditor
acribillar: to pepper; to riddle
acrílico: acrylic
acristalar: to glaze
acritud: sourness; acridness; bitterness; acrimony
acrobacia: acrobatics
acróbata: acrobat
acrobático: acrobatic
acrónimo: acronym
acta: minutes
actitud: attitude; position; posture

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