English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

apología: defence; apology; eulogy
apoltronarse: to settle down; to become lazy
apoplejía: apoplexy
apoquinar: to pay up
aporrear: to thump; to hammer; to cudgel; to club; to beat; to pound; to bother; to annoy
aportación: contribution
aportar: to contribute; to bring; to furnish
aporte: contribution
aposentar: to put up; to accommodate; to take lodge
aposentarse: to take lodging
aposento: room; lodging
aposición: apposition
apósito: compress; bandaged application
aposta: on purpose; deliberately
apostar: to bet; to wager; to place; to station; to post
apostarse: to bet; to place oneself
apostilla: note; marginal note; annotation
apóstol: apostle; advocate; champion
apostolado: apostolate
apostólico: apostolic
apóstrofo: apostrophe
apoteósico: tremendous; glorifying; glorious; great
apoteosis: climax; apotheosis
apoyar: to lean; to rest; to back; to favour; to support; to countenance; to abet; to prove; to
confirm; to depend; to base on
apoyarse: to base one's arguments; to lean
apoyo: support; stay; protection; help; countenance
apreciable: considerable; noticeable; laudable; praiseworthy; appraisable; evaluable; nice; fine
apreciación: appreciation; appraisal
apreciar: to appreciate; to value; to estimate; to like; to be fond of; to understand
apreciarse: to be observed; to rise in value; to appreciate
aprecio: liking; esteem; regard; liking; valuation
aprehender: to seize; to apprehend; to arrest
apremiante: overwhelming; compelling; urgent; pressing
apremiar: to press; to urge; to compel; to constrain; to dun
apremio: urgency; pressure; constraint
aprender: to learn
aprendiz: trainee; apprentice
aprendizaje: apprenticeship; act of learning
aprensión: apprehension; scruple; squeamishness; dread of contagion or illness; unfounded
opinion or idea
aprensivo: fearing contagion or illness
apresamiento: capture; seize
apresar: to capture; to seize; to clutch
aprestar: to make ready; to prepare; to make ready
aprestarse: to be about to
apresurado: hasty; hurried; lively
apresurar: to hurry; to hasten; to quicken
apresurarse: to hasten; to hurry; to make haste
apretado: tight; cramped; crowded together; busy; dense; compact; difficult; dangerous
apretar: to press; to pull; to tighten; to squeeze; to clench; to set the teeth; to fit tight; to grip; to

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