clutch; to compress; to constrict
apretón: crush; squeeze; effort; dash; difficulty; apretón de manos: handshake
apretujar: to cram; to squeeze hard
apretujarse: to squeeze together
apretujón: crush; hard pressure or squeeze
apretura: crush; jam; crush; narrow place; difficulty; hardship
aprieto: straits; difficulty; scrape; fix; jam; crush
aprisa: quickly; fast
aprisco: fold; pen; sheepfold
aprisionar: to trap; to imprison; to shackle; to hold fast
aprobación: approval; approbation; applause
aprobado: approved; pass mark
aprobar: to approve; to approve of; to pass an examination; to adopt
apropiación: appropriation; fitting; applying
apropiado: appropriate; suitable; fit; proper
apropiarse: to appropriate
aprovechable: usable; utilizable; available
aprovechado: well used; well spent; studious; advanced; proficient; scrounging; scrounger;
aprovechar: to utilize; to make good use of; to spend profitably; to be of use
aprovecharse: to take advantage of
aprovisionar: to provide; to supply; to furnish; to provision
aprovisionarse: to stock up
aproximación: approximation; nearing; nearness; drawing together; in lottery, small prize for
numbers close to the winning one
aproximado: approximate; rough
aproximar: to bring closer; to approximate
aproximarse: to come closer; to approach
aptitud: aptitude; ability; fitness; suitability; talent
apto: capable; suitable; able; apt; fit
apuesta: bet; wager
apuesto: handsome; good-looking; elegant; spruce; dashing
apuntado: written down; pointed
apuntador: prompter; pointer
apuntalar: to shore up; to prop; to back up; to underpin
apuntar: to aim; to level, to point; to indicate; to mark; to note; to jot down; to inscribe; to
sharpen; to prompt; to hint at; to insinuate; to break; to dawn
apuntarse: to join; to enrol; to notch up
apunte: sketch; note; prompter
apuntillar: to kill a bull
apuñalar: to stab
apurado: busy; in a hurry; exhausted; difficult; dangerous; accurate; precise; short of money;
apurar: to refine; to carry to extremes; to drain; to use up; to exhaust; to hurry; to press; to
worry; to annoy; to embarrass
apurarse: to hurry up; to grieve; to worry
apuro: fix; predicament; difficulty; need; want; worry; haste; urgency
aquejar: to ail; to afflict
aquel, aquella: that
aquél, aquélla: that one
aquelarre: witches' Sabbath; coven