English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

aquello: that; that thing
aquellos: those
aquí: here; now
aquietar: to calm down; to quiet; to lull; to pacify
ara: altar; macaw
árabe: Arab; Arabic; Moresque
arabesco: arabesque; Arabic
Arabia: Arabia
arábigo: Arabic; Arabian
arácnido: arachnid
arado: plough; plow; ploughing
arador: ploughman; plowman; itch mite
aragonés: Aragonese
arancel: tariff; duty
arándano: bilberry; blueberry; whortleberry
arandela: washer; burr on a lance
araña: spider; chandelier; weaver; sting-bull
arañar: to scratch; to scrape together
arañazo: scratch
arar: to plough; to plow
araucano: Araucanian
arbitraje: refereeing; umpiring; arbitration
arbitral: arbitral; by arbitration
arbitrar: to arbitrate; to umpire; to referee; to act freely; to contrive; to raise funds; to allocate
arbitrario: arbitrary
arbitrio: free will; power; judgement; decision; choice; means; device
árbitro: referee; umpire; arbitrator; sole master
árbol: tree; shaft; axle; spindle; mast; shank; newel
arbolado: wooded; masted
arboladura: masts and spars; masting
arboleda: wood; grove; wooded ground
arbóreo: arboreal
arbusto: bush; shrub
arca: coffer; chest; box; strong-box; safe; ark
arcada: arcade; arch; retching
arcaico: archaic
arcaísmo: archaism
arcángel: archangel
arce: maple
arcén: verge; border; brim; curbstone
archipiélago: archipelago
archivador: archivist; filing cabinet; file
archivar: to file; to save; to pigeonhole
archivero: archivist
archivo: file
arcilla: clay
arcilloso: clayey; argillaceous
arcipreste: archpriest
arco: arch; bow; arc; goal; hoop; arco iris: rainbow
arcón: large chest
arder: to burn; to blaze

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