English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

ardid: trick; ruse; stratagem; artifice
ardiente: burning; passionate; ardent; fiery; hot; feverish; eager; vehement
ardilla: squirrel
ardor: burning feeling; fervour; ardour; heat; vehemence; eagerness; intrepidity; courage
ardoroso: burning; passionate; fervent; eager; vehement
arduo: arduous; hard; difficult
área: area; field; sphere; are
arena: sand; grit; arena; circus; arena movediza: quicksand
arenal: sandy ground; sand pit
arenga: harangue; speech; address
arengar: to harangue
arenisca: sandstone
arenoso: sandy
arenque: herring
arete: earring
argamasa: mortar
Argel: Algiers
Argelia: Algeria
argelino: Algerian
Argentina: Argentina
argentino: Argentinian; silvery
argolla: large ring; metal ring; bracelet; old game similar to crocket
argot: jargon; slang
argucia: trick; fallacy; subtlety
argüir: to argue; to deduce; to infer; to reason
argumentación: argument; argumentation
argumentar: to argue; to dispute; to reason
argumento: plot; argument
aria: aria
árido: arid; dry; dull
ariete: battering ram; ram; centre forward
ario: Aryan
arisco: unsociable; unfriendly; surly; shy
arista: edge; arris; ridge; difficulty; awn; beard
aristocracia: aristocracy
aristócrata: aristocrat
aristocrático: aristocratic
aritmética: arithmetic
aritmética: arithmetical
arlequín: harlequin
arma: weapon; arm
armada: navy; fleet
armadillo: armadillo
armado: armed; man dressed as a Roman soldier
armador: shipowner; assembler; adjuster
armadura: armour; frame; framework; truss; roof frame; armature; key signature
armamento: arms; armament; outfitting
armar: to arm; to array in armour; to fix a bayonet; to outfit; to supply with; to assemble; to set
up; to build; to establish on; to set a trap; to start; to rise; to prepare; to load
armarse: to arm oneself
armario: cupboard; wardrobe; press; cabinet; closet

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