English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

armatoste: piece of old junk; hulk; cumbersome machine or object; big and clumsy person
armazón: frame; framework; assemblage; structure; shell; skeleton
Armenia: Armenia
armenio: Armenian
armería: arms museum; armoury; gunshop
armero: gunsmith; armourer; rack or stand for arms
armiño: ermine; stoat
armisticio: armistice
armonía: harmony
armónica: harmonica; mouth organ
armónico: harmonic
armonioso: harmonious
armonizar: to harmonize; to blend; to combine; to reconcile
arnés: harness; armour
aro: ring; hoop; rim; cuckoopint
aroma: smell; aroma; fragance; bouquet
aromático: aromatic; scented
aromatizar: to perfume; to scent; to aromatize
arpa: harp
arpía: harpy; old hag; shrew
arpillera: sackcloth; burlap; hessian
arpista: harpist; harper
arpón: harpoon; clamp
arponear: to harpoon
arquear: to bend; to arch; to beat wool; to gauge a ship; to retch
arquearse: to curve; to bend; to arch
arqueología: archeology
arqueólogo: archeologist
arquero: bowman; archer; bow maker
arquitecto: architect
arquitectura: architecture
arrabal: poor district on the outskirts of a town; suburb; arrabales: outskirts; environs
arrabalero: vulgar; coarse
arraigado: deep-rooted; well established
arraigar: to take root; to establish; to strengthen
arraigo: taking root; root; settling
arramblar: to make off; to sweep away; to cover with sand or gravel
arrancar: to extract; to pull out; to extirpate; to snatch; to drag away; to start; to boot
arranque: starting; starter; drive; energy; impulse; outburst; lively remark; spring of an arch
arras: thirteen coins that the bridegroom gives the bride during the Catholic wedding; security;
arrasar: to level; to flatten; to raze; to demolish; to devastate; to win a landslide victory
arrastrado: miserable; pathetic; wretched; rascal
arrastrar: to pull; to drag; to trail; to have; to carry after oneself; to lead to
arrastrarse: to crawl
arrastre: dragging; haulage; drag lift
arre: gee up; get away
arrea: you're joking; get away
arrear: to gee up; to urge on; to spur; to hurry; to deliver a blow; to dress; to adorn
arrebatar: to snatch; to mesmerize; to carry away; to captivate; to enrapture
arrebato: fit; outburst; rage; fury; rapture

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